A.D. Kaminker, A.I. Ryabinkov
Ioffe Physical-Technical Instituteof the Russian Academy of Sciences, St.Petersburg 194021, Russia
A statistical analysis of the space-time distribution of absorption-line systems (ALSs) observed in QSO spectra within the cosmological redshift interval z=0.0–4.3 is carried out. We consider so called metallic systems including basically lines of heavy elements. The sample of the data reveals a regular sequence of maxima (peaks) and minima (dips) relatively smoother dependence (trend) in the z-distribution of ALSs, as well as in the η-distribution, where η is the dimensionless line-of-site comoving distance. The sequence could be represented as alternating concentric layers with enhanced and depressed number density of the ALSs (onion-like structure) at rather small (∼ 15 – 20 %) amplitude of the variations. The sequence displays a periodicity relatively to η with a characteristic scale (108 ± 6) h-1 Mpc or (alternatively) with a characteristic time interval (350 ± 20) h-1 Myr for the ΛCDM cosmological model. We discuss a possibility of a spatial interpretation of the results treating the pattern obtained as a trace of the Large-Scale Structure in the distribution of ALSs.
Page created on March 17, 2009.