Victor K. Dubrovich
Saint-Petersburg Branch of SAO RAS, Pulkovskoe chaussee, 65,
Saint-Petersburg 196140, Russia
In the talk a problem is briefly formulated concerning observational manifestations of primordial fluctuations of density of matter in the post-recombination epoch and in Dark Ages. Characteristic scales correspond by mass to proto-objects from large galaxies to contemporary globular clusters. Various mechanisns of formation of observational manifestations of interactions of these objects with CMB (the cosmic microwave background). Modern data on calculations of primordial molecules are given and mechanisms of the enhancement of their effects on the magnitude of the predicted distortions are discussed. Existing level of the experiment in this field and its nearest prospects are discussed.
Full presentation (PDF, 1183 K)
Page created on October 2, 2009, updated October 27, 2009.