A. I. Chugunov
Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of RAS,
Politekhnicheskaya 26, 194021 St. Petersburg,
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
It is shown that the Coulomb energy U of fully ionized ionic mixture can be written as a sum over partial contributions over ion species j: U= T Σj Nj u(Γj, yj) (generalized linear mixing rule). In contrast to the traditional linear mixing rule, applicable for strong coupling, the partial contribution function u depends not only on Γj, but on an additional parameter yj=(rD/rDOCP)2 also. Here rD and rDOCP are Debye radii at the mixture and at one component plasma with coupling parameter Γj, correspondingly. The parameter yj does not depend on a specific composition of the mixture, but on the Debye radius rD only, making the function u(Γj, yj) universal. The generalized linear mixing rule can be applied at any coupling parameter, if ionic mixture is not crystallized. It reproduces the results of Debye-Hückel theory at weak coupling and traditional linear mixing rule at strong coupling. It can be easily applied to the complicated mixtures, composed of a large number of ion species. Since yj is temperature independent, the Coulomb contribution to Helmholtz free energy of the mixture can also be presented in a form of generalized linear mixing rule.
Page created on September 16, 2011.