R.L. Aptekar, S.V. Golenetskii, D.D. Frederiks, E.P. Mazets, V.D. Pal'shin
Laboratory of Experimental Astrophysics, Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 194021 Saint Petersburg, Russia
We present a short review of GRB studies being performed for many years by Ioffe Institute onboard a number of space missions. The first breakthrough in the studies of GRB was made possible by four Konus experiments carried out by the Ioffe Institute onboard the Venera 11 to 14 deep space missions in 1978 to 1983. A new important stage of our research is associated with joint Russian-American experiment with the Russian Konus scientific instrument onboard the U.S. Wind spacecraft which has been successfully operating since its launch in November 1994. The Konus-Wind experiment has made an impressive number of important GRB observations and other astrophysical discoveries, due to the advantages of its design and its interplanetary locations. We also briefly discuss future GRB experiments of Ioffe Institute.
Page created on September 5, 2012.