Anatoli F. Iyudin
Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, by M.V. Lomonosov, Vorob'evy Gory,
119992 Moscow, Russian Federation
MeV gamma-ray lines have proven to be a very useful in studies of different objects in our galaxy, like supernova remnants, classical novae, or extended regions, like the galactic bulge. In this talk we will present results of the use of 1.157 MeV gamma-ray line for studies of young galactic supernova remnants, and of 1.275 MeV line for studies of classical novae events, as well as of global galactic distribution of emission at this energy. Apart of emission gamma-ray lines we will discuss the use of the resonance absorption lines in gamma-ray regime, and their use to study QSO environment, as well, as to derive a redshift of the gamma-ray bright astrophysical object that experience relativistic jet-like outflow.
Page created on November 29, 2012.