O.A. Goglichidze, D.P.Barsukov, A.I. Tsygan
Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Politekhnicheskaya 26, 194021 Saint Petersburg, Russia
We study a neutron stars long-term rotational dynamics, taking into account the exchange of the angular momentum between star core and crust. Neglecting the presence of core magnetic field (assuming the protons first-type superconductivity), we suppose that the angular momentum is transfered either directly by viscous tension or by the Ekman pumping. The first scenario takes place when the neutrons are not superfluid. Chemical composition gradient damps the Ekman pumping. However, the strong neutrons superfluidity may return to this mechanism the role of main angular momentum transporter.
Proposed model seems to be inconsistent with the existence of radio pulsars with large periods and inclination angles less then 90 degrees. It means that something should stabilize pulsars inclination angles.
Page created on June 20, 2013.