High-mass X-ray binary systems in the INTEGRAL surveys: the population
properties and physical processes near the neutron star
A.A. Lutovinov
Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Profsoyuznaya Str. 84/32, Moscow 117997, Russia
(по материалам докторской диссертации)
This work is based on the deep surveys of the Milky Way and Large
Magellanic Cloud performed with the INTEGRAL observatory in 2003-2011.
These observations allowed us to construct a statistically full and
mostly deep flux limited sample of high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) in
the Galaxy and to investigate their spatial distribution and luminosity
function. In particular, it was shown that the measured spatial density
distribution of HMXBs has the maximum at galactocentric distances of 2-8
kpc and correlates well with the star formation rate distribution in the
Galaxy. We performed an extensive program of an identification of hard
X-ray sources and established a nature of more than twenty objects,
seven of which are HMXBs or candidates to them. It was found that
several of these systems are located behind the Galactic Center. We
proposed a "toy" model, which allow to explain observable properties of
persistent HMXBs with wind-fed neutron stars – the luminosity function
and distribution over orbital periods. Based on this model we argued
that a flaring activity of the so-called supergiant fast X-ray
transients (SFXTs), the recently recognized sub-sample of HMXBs, is
likely related with the magnetic arrest of their accretion. In frames of
this work detailed studies of X-ray pulsars (vast majority of which are
belong to HMXBs) were performed as well. In particular, it was
discovered a hard X-ray emission (up to energies of 160 keV) from low
luminosity X-ray pulsars, measured the magnetic field near the surface
of neutron stars, studied in details dependence of the cyclotron line
parameters on the source luminosity.