Paradoxes of cosmological physics in the beginning of 21-st century
Yu. V. Baryshev
Astronomical Institute of the Saint-Petersburg State University,
Universitetskij pr. 28,
Staryj Peterhoff,
St. Petersburg, 198504 Russia
Report is devoted to a review of fundamental concepts, which are in the
bases of modern cosmological model, and paradoxes of cosmological
physics, which are discussed in modern literature. In the history of
cosmology the cosmological paradoxes played important role for
development of contemporary world model. E.g. the gravitational,
photometric and thermodynamic paradoxes of the Newtonian cosmological
model were important stimuli for developing a new world model which is
free from such difficulties.Within the modern standard cosmological
model there are other cosmological paradoxes which stimulate to search
their solution.