L. I. Arzamasskiy1, V.S. Beskin2, and S.T. Derry
At present, there are theoretical models of the radio pulsar evolution which predict both the alignment, i.e., the evolution of the inclination angle between magnetic and rotational axes to 0 degree, and counter- alignment, i.e., its evolution to 90 degrees. Wherein, both models well describes the pulsar distribution on the P-Pdot diagram. For this reason, up to now it was impossible to determine the braking mechanism because it was rather difficult to estimate inclination angle evolution from the observations. In this paper we demonstrate that the statistics of interpulse pulsars can give us the key to solving alignment/counter-alignment problem as the number interpulse pulsars depends drastically on the evolution of the inclination angle.
Page created on September 17, 2015.