Sharpening quasar absorption lines with ESPRESSO: a study of the
spectrum towards HE 0001−2340
S.A. Balashev
Ioffe Institute, Politekhnicheskaya 26, Saint Petersburg 194021, Russia
We analyze a high-resolution (R=140 000) spectrum of the bright quasar
HE 0001−2340 (zem=2.26), obtained with ESPRESSO, recently installed at
the Very Large Telescope. In particular, we focused on three absorption
systems at z=0.45, z=1.65, and z=2.19:
- (i) In the system at z=0.45 we
provide an evidence for the velocity sub-structure of the gas, that has
Doppler parameters only of the order of ~0.3 km/s. This agrees with the
low kinetic temperature T~100K inferred from modelling of the gas
physical conditions. We also confirm the partial coverage of the quasar
emission-line region by a FeI-bearing cloud.
- (ii) In the system at z=2.19
sub-damped Lyman-alpha system we disentangle turbulent and thermal
broadening in many components spread over about 400 km/s. We derive an
average temperature of 16000i±1300 K, i.e. about twice the canonical
value of the Warm Neutral Medium in the Galactic interstellar medium.
Comparison with other high-z, low-metallicity absorbers, reveals an
anti-correlation between gas temperature and total HI column density.
- (iii) We also revisit the Mg isotopic ratios at z=0.45 and z=1.65 and
constrain them to be ξ=(26Mg+25Mg)/24Mg < 0.6 and < 1.4 in these two
systems, respectively. These values are consistent with the standard
Solar ratio, i.e., we do not confirm strong enhancement of heavy
isotopes inferred previously from UVES data.
Russian abstract
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