News archive


SLALOM 2022 - 4th SchooL on Advanced Light-Emitting and Optical Materials

Light is an amazing tool which we use in everyday life and in cutting-edge experiments. However, we are still far from fully mastering light emission, spectroscopy and light-induced control and their application in various technologies. Therefore, in May ITMO University organizes a three-day school for master and PhD students at which the leading scientists will teach about state-of-the art light emitting technologies, photovoltaics, lasers in material treatment and optical control. Join it! The organizers are Alexandra Kalashnikova and Sergey Makarov (ITMO University).

School will take place in St. Petersburg on November 30- December 2, 2022. The registration is open till October 24, 2022.

For more details please visit:



New PhD!

Leonid Shelukhin has successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Ultrafast laser-induced supression of magnetic anisotropy in thin films of metals and dielectrics" on September 22, 2022. His supervisor was dr. Alexandra Kalashnikova. It was an outstanding defense of the outstanding scientific work! Synopsis of the PhD thesis can be found here (in Russian).



Best young scientists research awards of Ioffe Institute

We are proud to announce that the work of PhD students of FerroLab Petr Gerevenkov and Iaroslav Filatov entitled "Spatial-temporal evolution of magnetostatic waves spectra optically excited in ferromagnetic anisotropic films" has received 2nd award at the annual competition of young scientists of Ioffe Institute which took place on April 14, 2022. 



New publication in Applied Physics Letters

Iaroslav FilatovPetr GerevenkovAlexandra Kalashnikova, and Nikolai Khokhlov has published an article "Spectrum evolution and chirping of laser-induced spin wave packets in thin iron films" in Applied Physics Letters. This paper has become a part of the special issue on Ultrafast and Terahertz Spintronics.



New PhD!

Iaroslav Mogunov has successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Picosecond strain pulses in vanadium dioxide nanostructures with ultrafast phase transition" on February 24, 2022. His supervisor was dr. Alexandra Kalashnikova and prof. dr. Andrey Akimov (Nottingham University). It was an outstanding defense of the outstanding scientific work! Synopsis of the PhD thesis can be found here (in Russian).



Workshop on Ultrafast Antiferromagnetic Writing

How to switching an antiferromagnet between two states and how to do it in the most smart way (i.e. fast and energy-efficient) - these are two burning issues which will be tackled at the Workshop on Ultrafast Antiferromagnetic Writing by a number of leading scientists in the field. The workshop is organized by SPICE as part of the Gutenberg International Conference Center at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU). The program committee is Tomáš Jungwirth (Institute of Physics ASCR, Prague), Alexandra Kalashnikova, Aleksei Kimel (Radboud University, Nijmegen), Thomas Metzger (Radboud University, Nijmegen), and  Yuriy Mokrousov (Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz).

The workshop will take place in Ingelheim, Germany on May 9-10, 2022. The registration is open till March 1, 2022.

For more details please visit:



Presidential stipendium for Leonid Shelukhin

Leonid Shelukhin is among young Russian scientists whose research will be supported by the Presidential stipendium. 



Science paper by Roman Dubrovin

In the very end of 2021 great news came in: paper "Terahertz light–driven coupling of antiferromagnetic spins to lattice" based on the collaborative work between researchers from Radboud University, Ioffe Institute, and General Physics Institute has been published in Science! In their work, researchers discovered that very short THz electro-magnetic pulse can excite in an antiferromagnet CoF2 an interesting state in which spin-phonon coupling is drastically increased. This happens when the THz pulse excites coherent spin oscillations - magnon, and the two magnons transforms into a coherent phonon. 



SLALOM 2022 - 4th SchooL on Advanced Light-Emitting and Optical Materials

Light is an amazing tool which we use in everyday life and in cutting-edge experiments. However, we are still far from fully mastering light emission, spectroscopy and light-induced control and their application in various technologies. Therefore, in May ITMO University organizes a three-day school for master and PhD students at which the leading scientists will teach about state-of-the art light emitting technologies, photovoltaics, lasers in material treatment and optical control. Join it! The organizers are Alexandra Kalashnikova and Sergey Makarov (ITMO University).

School will take place in St. Petersburg on May 18-20, 2022. The registration is open till March 14, 2022.

For more details please visit:


Update: School is postponed

Update: New dates are November 30 - December 2, 2022


New grant from Russian Science Foundation for the team of young researchers lead by Nikolay Khokhlov 

We are pleased to announce that Nikolay Khokhlov and his team has received support from RSF for their project aimed at studies of spin waves in tunable magnonic elements. Two years of intense work and exciting results are ahead!



Review on laser-induced control of magnetic anisotropy in nanostructures

Recently we have put together our knowledge and ideas about the impact femtosecond laser pulses have on magnetic anisotropy in ferromagnets, and wrote a review paper for one of the oldest Russian journals devoted to physical sciences - Technical Physics. It is available in Russian now, and well be available in English soon. 



Towards deeper understanding laser-driven changes of anisotropy

Petr Gerevernkov and co-authors have published a new paper in Physical Review Materials which continues our quest towards understanding details of laser-induced anisotropy changes and their impact on ultrafast magnetization dynamics in magnetic metallic films. In ultrafast magnetism a lot of attention is paid to a state of material within first femto- and picoseconds after laser excitation. However, relaxation processes happening at longer timescales are of no lesser importance for operation of prospective devices based on laser-induced magnetization dynamics. Petr and co-authors have studied how such relaxation processes can be analyzed and how they affect precession of magnetization excited by a femtosecond laser pulse.



New PhD!

Roman Dubrovin has successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Lattice dynamics and spontaneous magnetodielectric effects in fluoroperovskites" on May 20, 2021. His supervisor was prof. dr. Roman Pisarev. It was an outstatding defence of the outstanding scientific work!



Novel concept of tunable spin waves source

Ferrolab team lead by Nikolai Khokhlov in collaboration with Russian Quantum Center suggested a novel concept of a tunable source of magnetostatic spin waves. They've come up with the idea of exciting a thin magnetic film by a femtosecond laser pulse near a domain wall. Micromagnetic modelling have shown that laser spot and domain wall form a kind of a resonator for the generated waves. Bacause of it, it is possible to tune the spectrum of the wave propagating out of such resonator in several ways. The paper has been recently published in Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials.



Coffee, science & technology

Sometimes it is nice to sit down and talk about future of magnetism with a general public who has interest in learning somethis new about science and technology. Politechnic Museum in Moscow had recently invited Alexandra Kalashnikova to the "Brunch with a scientist", where she discussed the past, present and future of magnetic storage. Some pictures from the event can be found here.



Bright future of magnetic recording

Do you want to get a brief introduction in magnetic recording technology and its future illuminated by laser pulses? Then the recent lecture given by Alexandra Kalashnikova in the New Holland lectorium may be of interest for you! It is avaiable here (in Russian).



Grant Synthesis for Petr Gerevenkov

PhD student of FerroLab Petr Gerevenkov is among the winners of the grant competition of the new foundation Synthesis, which supports early stage researchers. With the support from this Foundation, Petr will be developing new cool setup for excitation and detection of spin waves by laser pulses. 



Iaroslav Mogunov is among the best young scientists of the Ioffe Institute

Last week our junior researcher Iaroslav Mogunov took part in the competition of research works of young scientists of the Ioffe Institute. His work entitled "Laser-induced phase transition and picosecond strain pulses in vanadium dioxide" took 2nd place in a tough competition.



2021 starts for FerroLab with a new paper

Despite being developed decades ago, Raman and infrared spectroscopies of complex compounds keep bringing new fascinating results. This time Roman Dubrovin and his colloborators from Ioffe Institute, Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, HFML and Rabdoud University, Ural Federal University, ESRF, and Peter the Great Polytechnic University have solved lattice dynamics of the cobalt orthoborate Co3(BO3)2 - material where magnetic ions occupy different crystallographic positions, which may affect not only magnetic but also structural properties. The paper "Lattice dynamics of cobalt orthoborate Co3(BO3)2 with kotoite structure​" has just been published in Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 



2020 ended with two new publications from Ferrolab

In December the paper "Photoelasticity of VO2 nanolayers in insulating and metallic phases studied by picosecond ultrasonics" by Iaroslav Mogunov and Alexandra Kalashnikova and co-authors from University of Nottingem, University of Puerto Rico and Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS was published in Physical Review Materials. In this paper we explore for the first time photoelastic properties of VO2 - phase change material with several promissing applications in electronics and photonics. 

Also in December the paper Iaroslav Filatov, Petr Gerevenkov, Alexandra Kalashnikova and Nokolai Khokhlov and collaborators from University of Nottingham published the proceeding paper "Spectrum evolution of magnetostatic waves excited through ultrafast laser-induced heating" in Journal of Physics: Conference Series. This is another step in our quest towards ultrafast opto-magnonics: ultrafast tuning of properties of magnonic media and steering spin waves.



New publication in Journal of Alloys and Compounds by FerroLab

In the world of extreme experimental techniques and nanostructures, traditional techniques applied to bulk crystals can still provide exciting results. Roman Durbovin and Nikita Siverin with colleagues from Ioffe Institute, Rabdoud University, Ural Federal University, Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, and Moscow Power Engineering Institute have published a thorough investigation of lattice dynamics and spontaneous magnetodielectric effect in CoTiO3 - material with a lot of applications and interesting physical properties. 



Coming in 2021....

We've been working on laser-induced control of magnetic anisotropy for some time now. It is time to summarize our findings, to put them in perspective, and to share our thought on further developments, and to prepare the extended review paper on this problem. Russian Foundation for Basic Reseach has just announced that it will support our work on such a review within the prgram Expantion aiming at helping Russian scienctific journals to get better visibility though publishing high-level review articles. The review is planned to be published in Autumn 2021 in the Technical Physics journal.



FerroLab at MetaNano 2020

Four of us (Petr Gerevernkov, Alexandra Kalashnikova, Nikolai Khokhlov, and Leonid Shelukhin) are presenting talks about spin waves, spin valves, multiferroics and thin magnetic films at the very cool conference MetaNano2020, traditionally organized by the Department of Physics and Engineering of the ITMO University. Also, Alexandra Kalashnikova is a speaker at the Round table "Gender diversity in science". 



Ferrolab will present recent results at the series of Ultrafast webinars

On August 11, 2020 at 6 pm (CET) Alexandra Kalashnikova and Nikolai Khokhlov will present talks on ultrafast magnetization dynamics at the Ultrafast Webinar Summer Series 2020 jointly organized by researchers from Harvard University, Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, and Arizona State University. To find out more about this on-line event please visit the webcite:


Update: The replay of the Alexandra's and Nikolai's talks are avaiable here.



Grant of the BASIS foundation for our PhD student

The first year PhD student Anatolii Fedianin is among severeal young reserachers who's work will be supported by the BASIS Foundation for Advancmenets in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics during the next two years. It is a promising start for one of our youngest team members.



Fresh Masters!

We are very happy to announce that two FerroLab people, Iaroslav Filatov and Daria Kuntu, have succcessfully defended their master theses. The on-line defence took place on June 16, 2020 at the Physics and Engineering Faculty of the ITMO University. Both, Iaroslav and Daria presented excellent talks and were very confident in answering numerous questions from the State Examination Commission. Congratulations! We expect that Iaroslav and Daria will join our Lab as PhD students.



New Editorial Council of the Technical Physics journal

Alexandra Kalashnikova is now a member of Editorial Council of the Technical Physics journal. This journal is published by the Ioffe Institute since 1931 and is devoted to various aspect of applied physics. The new Editorial Council has been formed by decree of the Devision of Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences from 02.06.2020.



And the winner is...

The youngest memeber of FerroLab team - a high-school student Bogdana Klinskaya - was very successful at the XXII International conference of scientific-engineering porjects of high-school students "Start to the Future"which took place at MIPT, Moscow. She presented her project "Stabilization of a domain wall by a gradinet magnetic field in yttrium iron garnet" and became an absolute winner of in the competition. We are very proud of Bogdana, and believe that it will be just a first step in her successful scientific career!



New paper by FerroLab in Nature Communications

The paper "Large non-thermal contribution to picosecond strain pulse generation using the photo-induced phase transition in VO2" has been just published in Nature Communications! This remarkable work by Iaroslav Mogunov, Anatolii Fedianin and Alexandra Kalashnikova and colleagues from University of Nottingham and University of Puerto Rico demonstrates that a thin film of vanadium dioxide serves as a highly efficient opto-acoustic transducer for such applications as acoustic nanoscopy. Owing to ultrafast phase transition, VO2 converts a femtosecond laser pulse into a picosecond strain pulse of gaint amplitude of ~1% with exceptionally low accompanying heating.



Towards new exciting studies and results

Our research project "Ultrafast optically-reconfigurable magnonics based on metallic multilayers" will be supported by the Russian Science Foundation. 



And the winners are...

Presentations by two master students of FerroLab at the traditional Winter School on Physics of semiconductors were recognized among the best presentations by yound researchers. Iaroslav Filatov with the talk "Effect of the temperature gradient on parameters of laser-driven magnetostatic waves" got the 1st place. Daria Kuntu with the poster "Ultrafast laser-induced demagnetization in the Galfenol films" got the 3rd place.


A brief report and some pictures from the event can be found here (in Russian).



Seminar of Iaroslav Mogunov at the ITMO University

On Friday, March 6, Iaroslav Mogunov will give a seminar "Picosecond acoustics and ultrafast phase transition in VO2" at Physics-Engineering Faculty of the ITMO University. The details can be found here:



Seminar of Alexandra Kalashnikova at the Paul Drude Institute, Berlin

On Monday, March 2, Alexandra Kalashnikova will give a seminar "Picosecond acoustics in nanostructures with phase transitions" at the Paul-Drude-Institut fuer Festkoerperelektronik in Berlin. This seminar will kick-off the collaboration with group of Dr. Paulo V. Santos under support of RSF-DFG grant 20-42-04405 "Nanoscale optomechanical interactions in semiconductor microcavities". 



PhD and Mater students of Ferrolab will present their results at the traditional Ioffe Insitute's Winter School

Petr Gereverkov, Nikita Severin, Daria Kuntu and Iaroslav Filatov will present their results at transitional Winter School on semiconductor physics. To present their works, our colleagues had to pass a selection and to get ahead of many other strong competitors!



Seminar of Alexander Tagantsev at the ITMO University

On Wednesday February 26, Dr. Alexander Tagantsev will give a seminar "Comparing dissipative and dispersive optomechanical couplings: quantum measurements, stability and light squeezing" at Physics-Engineering Faculty of the ITMO University. The details can be found here:



Ferrolab promotes the Master pgogram "Physics of semiconductors" of the ITMO University

On February 21 Alexandra Kalashnikova and Iaroslav Filatov took part in the on-line introductory day of the Master pgogram "Physics of semiconductors" of the ITMO University. Togather withe chair of the Program they shared their views on how to choose the Master program wisely.

The full interview (in Russian) is avaiable here:



Fundamentals and perpsectives of ultrafast photoferroic recording

A pre-proof of the extensive review paper in Physics Reports about present and future of ultrafast magnetic and ferroelectric recording by light written by Alexey Kimel, Alexandra Kalashnikova, Anna Pogrebna and Anatoly Zvezdin is on-line now.  



And a winner is....

Bogdana Klinskaya, the high-school student who works on her scientific project at our lab, has received the diploma of the young researchers jury at the Baltic Competition of Scientific and Engineering Projects of High-School Students. Bogdana's project is about localization of the domain walls by gradient magnetic fields in yttrium iron garnets. We congratulate Bogdana with this first scientific success!



Chair and vice-chairs of the Gordon Research Conference on Spin Dynamics in Nanostructures 2021 are announced

Alexandra Kalashnikova will be a vice-chair of the GRC conference Spin Dynamics in Nanostructures to be held in 2021 in Switzerland.



Research project on picosecond acoustics is supported by RFBR

Our research project "Generation of picosecond strain pulses during ultrafast laser-induced processes in magnetic nanostructures" lead by Alexandra Kalashnikova is among the projects which will be supported by the Russian Fundation for Basic Research in 2020-2022.



Science is just right for girls!

Alexandra Kalashnikova was a guest at the Pansion for girls supervised by the Russian Ministry of Defence. The 5-7th grade pupils have shown our colleague their science classes with modern equipment. Alexandra has shared with the girls her thoughts on a possibility to be successful in science. 



Scientific collaboration between St. Petersburg, Dortmund, Kyiv, and Chernogolovka will be continued for another 3 years

Volkswagen Foundation has announced that it will grant another 3 years of support to the project "Terahertz acoustic and optical control of spin dynamics in nanostructures".



Our team of young researchers becomes stablized!

Our research project "Optically-induced spin waves in media with spatial-temporal modulation of magnetic properties" lead by Nikolai Khokhlov will be supported by RFBR within the program "Stability". The program aims at providing research grants to teams of young scientists who already showed their ability to work together and to obtain important scientific results.



16.02.2015 And the winner is…


The leading member of the FerroLab team, Dr. Alexandra Kalashnikova, has received the main scientific award for young scientists in Russia: the President Award for Science and Innovation. This award is the well-deserved valuation of Alexandra’ contribution to investigations of the ultrafast magnetic dynamics and the interaction of ultrashort light pulses with magnetically ordered media. The FerroLab team congratulates Alexandra with this prize! We are proud of our colleague and friend!
The shorthand report on the award ceremony may be found here:

The TV reports about Alexandra, her award and our laboratory:


20.11.2014 We are in the big game!


The big collaborative project ICRC "Coherent manipulation of interacting spin excitations in tailored semiconductors", which covers wide range of spin phenomena in solids and joins the teams from Dortmund Technical University, Ioffe Institute, and St. Petersburg State University has been supported by the DFG. Ferrolab leads two research directions of this project: "Ultrafast acoustic manipulation of spin systems" (principal investigator – Alexey Scherbakov) and "Spin-induced higher harmonics generation" (principal investigator - Victor Pavlov).


19.11.2014 New publication in Nature Communications.


The paper by Nikolay Pertsev and co-authors entitled "Giant electrode effect on tunnelling electroresistance in ferroelectric tunnel junctions" has been published in Nature Comminications.


12.11.2014 Ioffe Institute Prize.


We congratulate Dr. Viktor Pavlov and Prof. Dr. Roman Pisarev on their success in the yearly competition of scientific works of Ioffe Institute. The research project by V. V. Pavlov, R. V. Pisarev, A. V. Rodina, D. R. Yakovlev (TU Dortmund/Ioffe Institute), and M. Bayer (TU Dortmund/Ioffe Institute) entitled "Novel mechanisms of optical second harmonic generation at the excitonic states in ZnO" is among 7 best scientific works of 2014.


21.09.2014 Poster Prize.


Alexandra Kalashnikova has received the Best Poster Presentation prize of the First International Conference "Science of the Future" for the poster "Ultrafast Laser-Induced Spin and Lattice Dynamics in Copper Metaborate CuB2O4".


10.09.2014 Science of the Future.


6 researchers of the FerroLab take part in the conference "Science of the Future", 17-20 September, St. Petersburg, Russia. The head of the lab Prof. Alexander Tagantsev will present the talk "Ferroic walls as elements for nanoelectronics ".


04.08.2014 We teach!


Alexandra Kalashnikova and Alexey Scherbakov are invited lecturers of the Radboud Summer School, which attracts 250 young learners from 45 countries. In the frame of the course "Femtomag: from fundamentals to ultrafast nanoscale dynamics" they present two lectures "Ultrafast dynamics in Ferroics" and "High-frequency magneto-acoustics".


04. 07.2014 Our workshops starts.


The workshop Novel trends in physics of ferroics organized by the FerroLab begins in St. Petersburg. The dynamic scientific program consists of 16 invited talks, 10 invited reports and 20 posters to be presented by 60 scientists from 13 countries.


28.06.2014 We go to MISM!


5 researchers from the FerroLab take part in the Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism, 29.06 – 03.07.2014, Moscow, Russia. We present there 5 talks (oral and invited) on the broad range of physic phenomena in magnetically ordered materials.


10.06.2014 Ferroic session at PhisicASPb.


The FerroLab organizes a special session on physics of ferroics in the frame of the Russian Youth Conference on Physics and Astronomy, which takes place in St. Petersburg, 29-30 October 2014. Young scientists are kindly invited to take part in this event! .