

PhD thesis


Геревенков Пётр Игоревич

Сверхбыстрое лазерно-индуцированное изменение магнитной анизотропии и возбуждение распространяющихся магнитостатических волн в тонких металлических пленках

[диссертация] [автореферат]


Шелухин Леонид Андреевич

Сверхбыстрое лазерно-индуцированное подавление магнитной анизотропии в тонких плёнках металлов и диэлектриков

[диссертация] [автореферат]


Могунов Ярослав Александрович

Пикосекундные импульсы деформации в наноструктурах диоксида ванадия со сверхбыстрым фазовым переходом

[диссертация] [автореферат]


Дубровин Роман Михайлович

Динамика решетки и спонтанные магнитодиэлектрические явления во фтороперовскитах

[диссертация] [автореферат]


Просников Михаил Алексеевич

Магнитная и решеточная динамика сложноструктурных антиферромагнитных оксидов 3d переходных металлов

[диссертация] [автореферат]





V.R. Bilyk, R.M. Dubrovin, A.K. Zvezdin, A.I. Kirilyuk, A.V. Kimel
THz electric field control of spins in collinear antiferromagnet Cr2O3



R.M. Dubrovin, A.V. Kimel, A.K. Zvezdin
Surface magnetoelectric driven spin dynamics in metallic antiferromagnets


L.A. Shelukhin, A.V. Kuzikova, A.V. Telegin, V.D. Bessonov, A.V. Ognev, A.S. Samardak, Junho Park, Young Keun Kim, A.M. Kalashnikova
Enhanced laser-induced single-cycle terahertz generation in a spintronic emitter with a gradient interface

Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 26, 2448417 (2025)




Qixin Li, Jie Zhou, Jiamin Shang, Hui Shen, Leifan Li, Fei Wang, Xuanbing Shen, Tian Tian, A.M. Kalashnikova, Anhua Wu, Jiayue Xu

Recent advances of rare earth orthoferrite RFeO3 magneto-optical single crystals

J. Cryst. Growth 649, 127939 (2025)






A.E. FedianinA.M. KalashnikovaJ.H. Mentink

Spontaneous and impulsive stimulated Raman scattering from two-magnon modes in a cubic antiferromagnet

Phys. Rev. B 110, 174439 (2024)





P.A. Usachev,   V.N. Kats,   L.A. Shelukhin,   V.V. Pavlov,   D. Averyanov,   I. Sokolov,   O. Parfenov,   O. Kondratev,   A. Taldenkov,   A. Inyushkin,   A. Tokmachev  and  V. Storchak

Magnetic polarons reach a hundred thousand Bohr magnetons

Mater. Horiz. 12, 512-418 (2025)


Supplemental information


R.M. Dubrovin, E.M. Roginskii, V.A. Chernyshev, N.N. Novikova, M.A. Elistratova, I.A. Eliseyev, A.N. Smirnov, A.I. Brulev,

K.N. Boldyrev, V.Yu. Davydov, R.V. Mikhaylovskiy, A.M. Kalashnikova, and R.V. Pisarev
Lattice dynamics and mixing of polar phonons in the rare-earth orthoferrite TbFeO3
Phys. Rev. B 110, 134310 (2024)


Supplemental materials



R.M. Dubrovin, A. Tellez-Mora, A.C. Garcia-Castro, N.V. Siverin, N.N. Novikova, K.N. Boldyrev,

E.A. Mashkovich, Aldo H. Romero, and R.V. Pisarev
Polar phonons and magnetic excitations in the antiferromagnet CoF2
Phys. Rev. B 109, 224312 (2024)




Thomas W. J. Metzger, Kirill A. Grishunin, Chris Reinhoffer, Roman M. Dubrovin, Atiqa Arshad, Igor Ilyakov, Thales V. A. G. de Oliveira, Alexey Ponomaryov, Jan-Christoph Deinert, Sergey Kovalev, Roman V. Pisarev, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, Boris A. Ivanov, Paul H. M. van Loosdrecht,

Alexey V. Kimel, and Evgeny A. Mashkovich
Magnon-phonon Fermi resonance in antiferromagnetic CoF2
Nat. Commun. 15, 5472 (2024)


Supplemental materials



M.A. Prosnikov, M. Bal, R. V. Pisarev, P. C. M. Christianen, A.M. Kalashnikova

Giant intrinsic nonlinear phonon-magnon coupling in the antiferromagnet CoF2


Ia.A. Filatov, P.I. Gerevenkov, N.E. Khokhlov, A.M. Kalashnikova
Tunable quasi-discrete spectrum of spin waves excited by periodic laser patterns

J. Appl. Phys. 136, 063902 (2024) Editor's pick




А.К. Звездин, Р.М. Дубровин, А.В. Кимель

Гигантское параметрическое усиление обратного эффекта Коттона–Мутона в антиферромагнитных кристаллах

Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 119, вып. 5, с. 355 – 363 (2024)



D.V. Kuntu, E.A. Arkhipova, L.A. Shelukhin, F. Mertens, M.A. Prosnikov, I. A. Eliseyev, A. N. Smirnov, V. Yu. Davydov, S. Mañas-Valero,

E. Coronado, M. Cinchetti, and A.M. Kalashnikova
Laser-induced Demagnetization in van der Waals XY- and Ising-like Antiferromagnets NiPS3 and FePS3

Phys. Rev. Mater. 8, 014408 (2024)




F. Formisano, T.T. Gareev, D.I. Khusyainov, A.E. Fedianin, R.M. Dubrovin, P.P. Syrnikov, D. Afanasiev, R.V. Pisarev, A.M. Kalashnikova,

J.H. Mentink, A.V. Kimel

Coherent THz spin dynamics in antiferromagnets beyond the approximation of the Néel vector

APL Mater. 12, 011105 (2024)


Supplementary Material






Р. В. Писарев, Р. М. Дубровин

Фононы, магноны и экситоны в нецентросимметричном магнитоэлектрике – антиферромагнетике CuB2O4

ЖЭТФ 164, вып. 4 (10), стр. 673–696 (2023)



N.E. Khokhlov, Ia.A. Filatov, A.M. Kalashnikova

Spatial asymmetry of optically excited spin waves in anisotropic ferromagnetic film

J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 589, 171514 (2024)




А.Е. Федянин, Н.Е. Хохлов, А.М. Калашникова
Распространение лазерно-индуцированного пакета магнитостатических волн в псевдо-спиновом клапане в присутствии спиновой накачки
ЖЭТФ 164, 526 (2023)

A.E. Fedianin, N.E. Khokhlov, and A.M. Kalashnikova
Propagation of a Laser-Induced Magnetostatic Wave Packet in a Pseudo Spin Valve in the Presence of Spin Pumping
J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 137, 452 (2023)


Anatolii E. Fedianin, Alexandra M. Kalashnikova, Johan H. Mentink
Selection rules for ultrafast laser excitation and detection of spin correlation dynamics in a cubic antiferromagnet
Phys. Rev. B 107, 144430 (2023)




P.I. Gerevenkov, V.D. Bessonov, V.S. Teplov, A.V. Telegin, A.M. Kalashnikova, N.E. Khokhlov
Nonreciprocal collective magnetostatic wave modes in geometrically asymmetric bilayer structure with nonmagnetic spacer

Nanoscale 15, 6785 (2023)



Vladimir N. Kats, Leonid A. Shelukhin, Pavel A. Usachev, Dmitry V. Averyanov, Igor A. Karateev, Oleg E. Parfenov, Alexander N. Taldenkov, 

Andrey M. Tokmachev, Vyacheslav G. Storchak, and  Victor V. Pavlov

Femtosecond optical orientation triggering magnetization precession in epitaxial EuO films

Nanoscale 15, 2828 (2023)


Supplementary information


P.I. Gerevenkov, Ia.A. Filatov, A.M. Kalashnikova, N.E. Khokhlov

Unidirectional propagation of spin waves excited by femtosecond laser pulses in a planar waveguide

Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 024062 (2023)




A.V. Kuzikova, L.A. Shelukhin, F.M. Maksimov, A.I. Chernov, R.V. Pisarev, A.M. Kalashnikova

Laser-driven 1st order spin reorientation and Verwey phase transitions in the magnetite Fe3O4 beyond the range of thermodynamic equilibrium

Phys. Rev. B 107, 024413 (2023)







T.W.J. Metzger, K.A. Grishunin, D. Afanasiev, R.M. Dubrovin, E.A. Mashkovich, R.V. Pisarev, and A.V. Kimel

  • Effect of antiferromagnetic order on a propagating single-cycle THz pulse

Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 252403 (2022)



Fabian Mertens, David Mönkebüscher, Umut Parlak, Carla Boix-Constant, Samuel Mañas-Valero, Margherita Matzer, Rajdeep Adhikari, Alberta Bonanni, Eugenio Coronado, Alexandra M. Kalashnikova, Davide Bossini, Mirko Cinchetti

Ultrafast Coherent THz Lattice Dynamics Coupled to Spins in the van der Waals Antiferromagnet FePS3

Adv. Mater. 35, 2208355 (2022)




Evgeny A. Mashkovich, Kirill A. Grishunin, Anatoly K. Zvezdin, Thomas G. H. Blank, Alexander G. Zavyalov, Paul H. M. van Loosdrecht,

Alexandra M. Kalashnikova, and Alexey V. Kimel
Terahertz-driven magnetization dynamics of bismuth-substituted yttrium iron-gallium garnet thin film near a compensation point
Physical Review B 106, 184425 (2022)



Fabio Formisano, Roman M. Dubrovin, Roman V. Pisarev, Anatoly K. Zvezdin, Alexandra M. Kalashnikova, and Alexey V. Kimel

Laser-induced THz piezomagnetism and lattice dynamics of antiferromagnets MnF2 and CoF2

Ann. Phys. 447, 169041 (2022) Special issue dedicated to Igor Dzyaloshinskiy



D.A. Sylgacheva, N.E. Khokhlov, P.I. Gerevenkov, Ia.A. Filatov, M.A. Kozhaev, I.V. Savochkin, A.N. Kalish, A.M. Kalashnikova,

and V.I. Belotelov

Spatially selective excitation of spin dynamics in magneto-photonic crystals by spectrally tunable ultrashort laser pulses

Nanophotonics 11(13), 3169–3176 (2022)



M.A. Prosnikov

Magnons in AgF2, AgCuF4, and AgNiF4

J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 557, 169432 (2022)



L.A. Shelukhin, R.R. Gareev, V. Zbarsky, J. Walowski, M. Münzenberg, N.A. Pertsev  and A.M. Kalashnikova

Spin reorientation transition in CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB tunnel junction enabled by ultrafast laser-induced suppression of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy

Nanoscale 14, 8153 (2022)



Ia.A. Filatov, P.I. Gerevenkov, M. Wang, A.W. Rushforth, A.M. Kalashnikova, N.E. Khokhlov

Spectrum evolution and chirping of laser-induced spin wave packets in thin iron films

Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 112404 (2022) Special issue on Ultrafast and Terahertz Spintronics


Supplementary material


M.A. Prosnikov, M.E. Bal, M.I. Kolkov, A.I. Pankrats, R.V. Pisarev, and P.C.M. Christianen

Subterahertz and terahertz spin and lattice dynamics of the insulating ferromagnet PbMnBO4

Phys. Rev. Research 4, 013004 (2022)



F. Formisano, R.M. Dubrovin, R.V. Pisarev, A.M. Kalashnikova, A.V. Kimel

Laser-induced THz magnetism of antiferromagnetic CoF2

J. Phys. Condens. Matter 34, 225801 (2022)







E.A. Mashkovich, K.A. Grishunin, R.M. Dubrovin, A.K. Zvezdin, R.V. Pisarev, A.V. Kimel

Terahertz light–driven coupling of antiferromagnetic spins to lattice
Science 374, 1608 (2021)


Supplementary Materials



R.M. Dubrovin, A.C. Garcia-Castro, N.V. Siverin, N.N. Novikova, K.N. Boldyrev, Aldo H. Romero, R.V. Pisarev
Incipient geometric lattice instability of cubic fluoroperovskites
Physical Review B 104, 144304 (2021) Editor's suggestion




А.М. Калашникова, Н.Е. Хохлов, Л.А. Шелухин, А.В. Щербаков

Сверхбыстрое лазерно-индуцированное управление магнитной анизотропией наноструктур

ЖТФ 91, 1848 (2021) [10.21883/JTF.2021.12.51751.228-21]

A.M. Kalashnikova, N.E. Khokhlov, L.A. Shelukhin, A.V. Scherbakov

Ultrafast laser-induced control of magnetic anisotropy in nanostructures

Technical Physics 67, 2335 (2022) [10.21883/TP.2022.15.55258.228-21]


P.I. Gerevenkov, D.V. Kuntu, Ia.A. Filatov, L.A. Shelukhin, M. Wang, A.W. Rushforth, A.M. Kalashnikova, N.E. Khokhlov
Effect of magnetic anisotropy evolution on laser-induced magnetization precession in thin galfenol films
Phys. Rev. Materials 5, 094407 (2021)




J. Mund, D.R. Yakovlev, A.N. Poddubny, R.M. Dubrovin, M. Bayer, and R.V. Pisarev

Toroidal nonreciprocity of optical second harmonic generation

Phys. Rev. B 103, L180410 (2021)




N.E. Khokhlov, A.E. Khramova, Ia.A. Filatov, P.I. Gerevenkov, B.A. Klinskaya, A.M. Kalashnikova
Néel domain wall as a tunable filter for optically excited magnetostatic waves

J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 534, 168018 (2021)




D.D. Yaremkevich, A.V. Scherbakov, S.M. Kukhtaruk, T.L. Linnik, N.E. Khokhlov, F. Godejohann, O.A. Dyatlova, A. Nadzeyka, D.P. Pattnaik,

M. Wang, S. Roy, R. P. Campion, A. W. Rushforth, V. E. Gusev, A. V. Akimov, and M. Bayer

Protected Long-Distance Guiding of Hypersound Underneath a Nanocorrugated Surface

ACS Nano 15(3), 4802–4810 (2021) [10.1021/acsnano.0c09475]


A.D. Molchanova, M.A. Prosnikov, V.P. Petrov, R.M. Dubrovin, S.G. Nefedov, D. Chernyshov, A.N. Smirnov, V.Yu. Davydov, K.N. Boldyrev,

V.A. Chernyshev, R.V. Pisarev, M.N. Popova
Lattice dynamics of cobalt orthoborate Co3(BO3)2 with kotoite structure
J. Alloys Compd. 865, 158797 (2021)



R.M.Dubrovin, N.V.Siverin, M.A.Prosnikov, V.A.Chernyshev, N.N.Novikova, P.C.M.Christianen, A.M.Balbashov, R.V.Pisarev

Lattice dynamics and spontaneous magnetodielectric effect in ilmenite CoTiO3

J. Alloys Compd. 858, 157633 (2021)







Ia.A. Filatov, P.I. Gerevenkov, M. Wang, A.W. Rushforth, A.M. Kalashnikova, and N.E. Khokhlov

Spectrum evolution of magnetostatic waves excited through ultrafast laser-induced heating

J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1697, 012193 (2020)



Ia.A. Mogunov, S. Lysenko, F. Fernández, A. Rúa, A.V. Muratov, A.J. Kent, A.M. Kalashnikova, and A.V. Akimov

Photoelasticity of VO2  nanolayers in insulating and metallic phases studied by picosecond ultrasonics

Phys. Rev. Mater. 4, 125201 (2020)



L.A. Shelukhin, N.A. Pertsev, A.V. Scherbakov, D.L. Kazenwadel, D.A. Kirilenko, S.J. Hämäläinen, S. van Dijken, and A.M. Kalashnikova

Laser-Induced Magnetization Precession in Individual Magnetoelastic Domains of a Multiferroic Co40Fe40B20/BaTiO3 Composite
Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 034061 (2020)




R.M. Dubrovin, L.N. Alyabyeva, N.V. Siverin, B.P. Gorshunov, N.N. Novikova, K.N. Boldyrev, and R.V. Pisarev
Incipient multiferroicity in Pnma fluoroperovskite NaMnF3
Phys. Rev. B 101, 180403(R) (2020)


Supplemental Material


R.M. Dubrovin and R.V. Pisarev
Spontaneous Magnetodielectric Effect and Its Coupling to the Lattice Dynamics in Fluoroperovskites
J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 131, 189 (2020)



Ia.A. Mogunov, S. Lysenko, A.E. Fedianin, F.E. Fernández, A. Rúa, A.J. Kent, A.V. Akimov, A.M. Kalashnikova 
Large non-thermal contribution to picosecond strain pulse generation using the photo-induced phase transition in VO2
Nat. Commun. 11, 1690 (2020)



A.V. Kimel, A.M. Kalashnikova, A. Pogrebna, A.K. Zvezdin

Fundamentals and perspectives of ultrafast photoferroic recording

Physics Reports 852, 1 (2020)



N.V. Agrinskaya, A.M. Kalashnikova, V.I. Kozub,
Electric bias-controlled switching of magnetization of ferrimagnetically coupled Mn delta-layers in a GaAs-AlGaAs quantum well

J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 509, 166621 (2020)



Ia.A. Mogunov, S. Lysenko, A.E. Fedianin, A.J. Kent, A.V. Akimov, A.M. Kalashnikova

A role of a picosecond strain in an ultrafast optically-driven phase transition in VO2 nanostructures

J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1461, 012108 (2020)






N.E. Khokhlov, P.I. Gerevenkov, L.A. Shelukhin, A.V. Azovtsev, N.A. Pertsev, M. Wang, A.W. Rushforth, A.V. Scherbakov,

and A.M. Kalashnikova,

Optical Excitation of Propagating Magnetostatic Waves in an Epitaxial Galfenol Film by Ultrafast Magnetic Anisotropy Change

Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 044044 (2019)




Ia.A. Mogunov, F. Fernández, S. Lysenko, A.J. Kent, A.V. Scherbakov, A.M. Kalashnikova, and A.V. Akimov

Ultrafast Insulator-Metal Transition in VO2 Nanostructures Assisted by Picosecond Strain Pulses
Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 014054 (2019)



R.M. Dubrovin, N.V. Siverin, P.P. Syrnikov, N.N. Novikova, K.N. Boldyrev, and R.V. Pisarev
Lattice dynamics and microscopic mechanisms of the spontaneous magnetodielectric effect in the antiferromagnetic fluoroperovskites KCoF3 and RbCoF3
Phys. Rev. B 100, 024429 (2019)



M.A. Prosnikov, A.N. Smirnov, V.Yu. Davydov, Y. Araki, T. Arima, and R.V. Pisarev
Lattice and magnetic dynamics in the polar, chiral, and incommensurate antiferromagnet Ni2InSbO6
Phys. Rev. B 100, 144417 (2019)




I.O. Karpovsky, D.L. Kazenwadel, L.A. Shelukhin, A.M. Balbashov, R.V. Pisarev, and A.M. Kalashnikova

Laser-induced magnetization precession in the magnetite Fe3O4 in the vicinity of a spin-reorientation transition

J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1400, 077001 (2019)



Alexander K. Tagantsev and Sergey A. Fedorov
Quantum-Limited Measurements Using an Optical Cavity with Modulated Intrinsic Loss
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 043602 (2019)



Shinya Kondo,  Tomoaki Yamada, Alexander K. Tagantsev,  Ping Ma, Juerg Leuthold, Paolo Martelli, Pierpaolo Boffi, Mario Martinelli, Masahito Yoshino, and Takanori Nagasaki
Large impact of strain on the electro-optic effect in (Ba, Sr)TiO3 thin films: Experiment and theoretical comparison
Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 092901 (2019)



A.A. Demenev, D.D. Yaremkevich, A.V. Scherbakov, S.M. Kukhtaruk, S.S. Gavrilov, D.R. Yakovlev, V.D. Kulakovskii, and M. Bayer

Ultrafast strain-induced switching of a bistable cavity-polariton system

Phys. Rev. B 100, 100301(R) (2019)



A.V. Scherbakov, A.P. Danilov, F. Godejohann, T.L. Linnik, B.A. Glavin, L.A. Shelukhin, D.P. Pattnaik, M. Wang, A.W. Rushforth, D.R. Yakovlev,

A.V. Akimov, and M. Bayer

Optical Excitation of Single- and Multimode Magnetization Precession in Fe-Ga Nanolayers

Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 031003 (2019)



P.G. Baranov, A.M. Kalashnikova, V.I. Kozub, V.L. Korenev, Yu.G. Kusrayev, R.V. Pisarev, V.F. Sapega, I.A. Akimov, M. Bayer, A.V. Scherbakov,

and D.R. Yakovlev

Spintronics of semiconductor, metallic, dielectric, and hybrid structures (100th anniversary of the Ioffe Institute)

Physics-Uspekhi 62, 795 (2019) [10.3367/UFNe.2018.11.038486]


L.V. Lutsev, L.A. Shelukhin, A.I. Stognij, and N.N. Novitskii
Relaxation processes of the light-induced giant injection magnetoresistance in semiconductor/granular-film heterostructures with cobalt nanoparticles
Phys. Rev. B 99, 134433 (2019)






L.A. Shelukhin, V.V. Pavlov, P.A. Usachev, P.Yu. Shamray, R.V. Pisarev, and A.M. Kalashnikova

Ultrafast laser-induced changes of the magnetic anisotropy in a low-symmetry iron garnet film

Phys. Rev. B 97, 014422 (2018)




Sebastian F Maehrlein, Ilie Radu, Pablo Maldonado, Alexander Paarmann, Michael Gensch, Alexandra M Kalashnikova, Roman V Pisarev, Martin Wolf, Peter M Oppeneer, Joseph Barker, Tobias Kampfrath

Dissecting spin-phonon equilibration in ferrimagnetic insulators by ultrafast lattice excitation

Sci. Adv. 4 (7), eaar5164 (2018)




R.M. Dubrovin, S.A. Kizhaev, P.P. Syrnikov, J.-Y. Gesland, and R.V. Pisarev
Unveiling hidden structural instabilities and magnetodielectric effect in manganese fluoroperovskites AMnF3
Phys. Rev. B 98, 060403(R) (2018)


Supplemental Material


K. Imasaka, R.V. Pisarev, L. N. Bezmaternykh, T. Shimura, A.M. Kalashnikova, and T. Satoh

Excitation of multiple phonon modes in copper metaborate CuB2O4 via nonresonant impulsive stimulated Raman scattering

Phys. Rev. B 98, 054303 (2018)




H. Shena, Q. Xiana, T. Xiea, A. Wub, M. Wanga, J. Xua, R. Jia, A.M. Kalashnikova

Modulation of magnetic transitions in SmFeO3 single crystal by Pr3+ substitution

J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 466, 81-86 (2018)



A.S. Salasyuk, A.V. Rudkovskaya, A.P. Danilov, B.A. Glavin, S.M. Kukhtaruk, M. Wang, A.W. Rushforth, P.A. Nekludova, S.V. Sokolov,

A.A. Elistratov, D.R. Yakovlev, M. Bayer, A.V. Akimov, and A.V. Scherbakov

Generation of a localized microwave magnetic field by coherent phonons in a ferromagnetic nanograting

Phys. Rev. B 97, 060404(R) (2018)




A.P. Danilov, A.V. Scherbakov, B.A. Glavin, T.L. Linnik, A.M. Kalashnikova, L.A. Shelukhin, D.P. Pattnaik, A.W. Rushforth, C.J. Love, S.A. Cavill,

D.R. Yakovlev, and M. Bayer

Optically excited spin pumping mediating collective magnetization dynamics in a spin valve structure

Phys. Rev. B 98, 060406(R) (2018), Editor’s Suggestion




A. Wu, X. Zhao, P. Man, L. Su, A.M. Kalashnikova, R.V. Pisarev

Growth, and magnetic study of Sm0.4Er0.6FeO3 single crystal grown by optical floating zone technique

J. Cryst. Growth 486, 169-172 (2018)





T.L. Linnik, V.N. Kats, J. Jäger, A.S. Salasyuk, D.R. Yakovlev, A.W. Rushforth, A.V. Akimov, A.M. Kalashnikova, M. Bayer, and A.V. Scherbakov

The effect of dynamical compressive and shear strain on magnetic anisotropy in a low symmetry ferromagnetic film
Phys. Scripta 92, 054006 (2017) [10.1088/1402-4896/aa6943]




Antonio Caretta, Martina Dell'Angela, Yi-De Chuang, Alexandra M. Kalashnikova, Roman V. Pisarev, Davide Bossini, Florian Hieke, Wilfried Wurth, Barbara Casarin, Roberta Ciprian, Fulvio Parmigiani, Surge Wexler, L. Andrew Wray, and Marco Malvestuto,
High-resolution resonant inelastic extreme ultraviolet scattering from orbital and spin excitations in a Heisenberg antiferromagnet,
Phys. Rev. B 96, 184420 (2017)




Nikolai Khokhlov, Grigoriy Knyazev, Boris Glavin, Yakov Shtykov, Oleg Romanov, and Vladimir Belotelov

Interaction of surface plasmon polaritons and acoustic waves inside an acoustic cavity

Opt. Lett. 42, 3558 (2017)



J.A. de Jong, A.M. Kalashnikova, R.V. Pisarev, A.M. Balbashov, A.V. Kimel, A. Kirilyuk, and Th. Rasing
Effect of laser pulse propagation on ultrafast magnetization dynamics in a birefringent medium 
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 29, 164004 (2017)



A. Wu, B. Wang, X. Zhao, T. Xie, P. Man, L. Su, A.M. Kalashnikova, R.V. Pisarev

Crystal growth of Sm0.3Tb0.7FeO3 and spin reorientation transition in Sm1−xTbxFeO3 orthoferrite

J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 426, 721-724 (2017)






A.M. Kalashnikova and V.I. Kozub

Exchange scattering as the driving force for ultrafast all-optical and bias-controlled reversal in ferrimagnetic metallic structures

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D. Bossini, S. Dal Conte, Y. Hashimoto, A. Secchi, R.V. Pisarev, Th. Rasing, G. Cerullo, A.V. Kimel

Macrospin dynamics in antiferromagnets triggered by sub-20 femtosecond injection of nanomagnons

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V.N. Kats, T.L. Linnik, A.S. Salasyuk, A.W. Rushforth, M. Wang, P. Wadley, A.V. Akimov, S.A. Cavill, V. Holy, A.M. Kalashnikova,

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Ultrafast changes of magnetic anisotropy driven by laser-generated coherent and noncoherent phonons in metallic films

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Room-temperature electric polarization induced by phase separation in multiferroic GdMn2O5

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Strong surface effect on direct bulk flexoelectric response in solids

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L.V. Lutsev, A.M. Korovin, V.E. Bursian, S.V. Gastev, V.V. Fedorov, S.M. Suturin, N.S. Sokolov

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D. Afanasiev, B.A. Ivanov, A. Kirilyuk, Th. Rasing, R.V. Pisarev, and A.V. Kimel

Control of the Ultrafast Photoinduced Magnetization across the Morin Transition in DyFeO3

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A.V. Azovtsev and N.A. Pertsev

Magnetization dynamics and spin pumping induced by standing elastic waves

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Thick domain walls in non-magnetic ferroics

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Magnetic tunnel junction on a magnetostrictive substrate: An ultrasensitive magnetic-field sensor

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Ultrafast optomagnetism 

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Novel mechanisms of optical harmonic generation on excitons in semiconductors

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D. Brunne, M. Lafrentz, V. V. Pavlov, R. V. Pisarev, A. V. Rodina, D. R. Yakovlev, and M. Bayer

Electric field effect on optical harmonic generation at the exciton resonances in GaAs

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D. A. Andronikova, A. A. Bosak, Iu. A. Bronwald, R. G. Burkovsky, S. B. Vakhrushev, N. G. Leontiev, I. N. Leontiev, A. K. Tagantsev, A. V. Filimonov, D. Yu. Chernyshov

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J. V. Jäger, A. V. Scherbakov, B. A. Glavin, A. S. Salasyuk, R. P. Campion, A. W. Rushforth, D. R. Yakovlev, A. V. Akimov, and M. Bayer

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Y. Shirahata, R. Shiina, D. L. González, K. J. A. Franke, E. Wada, M. Itoh, N. A. Pertsev, S. van Dijken, T. Taniyama

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Converse magnetoelectric effect via strain-driven magnetization reorientations in ultrathin ferromagnetic films on ferroelectric substrates

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N. I. Plyusnin, V. M. Il’yashchenko, P. A. Usachev, V. V. Pavlov

Growth and structural and magnetic properties of multilayer Fe, Co, and Cu nanofilms on silicon

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M. A. Bryushinin, A. A. Petrov, R. V. Pisarev, and I. A. Sokolov

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D. A. Andronikova, R. G. Burkovsky, A. V. Filimonov, A. K. Tagantsev, S. B. Vakhrushev

Phonon dispersion calculations using the Vaks model in antiferroelectric lead zirconate

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V. Pavlov, V. Gridnev, R. Pisarev, M. Pohl, I. Akimov, D. Yakovlev, M. Bayer

Femtosecond Photo-Induced Phenomena in Multiferroic Hexagonal Manganite YMnO3

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Bo Wang,  Xiangyang Zhao, Anhua Wu,  Shixun Cao, Jun Xu, A. M. Kalashnikova, R. V. Pisarev

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H. Morioka, T. Yamada, A. K. Tagantsev, R. Ikariyama, T. Nagasaki, T. Kurosawa, and H. Funakubo

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A dynamic operation of a PIN photodiode

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A.H.M. Reid, Th. Rasing, R.V. Pisarev, H.A. Dürr and M.C. Hoffmann

Terahertz-driven magnetism dynamics in the orthoferrite DyFeO3

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V. V. Pavlov, L. V. Lutsev, P. A. Usachev, A. A. Astretsov, A. I. Stognij, N. N. Novitskii, and R. V. Pisarev

Effect of magnetic field enhancement of the photocurrent in ferromagnetic metal-dielectric heterostructures SiO2(Co)/GaAs

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K.N. Boldyrev, R.V. Pisarev, L.N. Bezmaternykh, and M.N. Popova

Antiferromagnetic Dichroism in a Complex Multisublattice Magnetoelectric CuB2O4

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R. Soni, A. Petraru, P. Meuffels, O. Vavra, M. Ziegler, Seong Keun Kim, Doo Seok Jeong, N. A. Pertsev, H. Kohlstedt

Giant electrode effect on tunnelling electroresistance in ferroelectric tunnel junctions

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G. Burkovsky, A. K. Tagantsev, K. Vaideeswaran, N. Setter, S. B. Vakhrushev, A. V. Filimonov, A. Shaganov, D. Andronikova, A. I. Rudskoy, A. Q. R. Baron, D. Chernyshov, Z. Ujma, K. Roleder, A. Majchrowski, Jae-Hyeon Ko

Lattice dynamics and antiferroelectricity in PbZrO3 tested by x-ray and Brillouin light scattering

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G. Viaud and N. A. Pertsev

Dynamic converse magnetoelectric effect in ferromagnetic nanostructures with electric-field-dependent interfacial anisotropy

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N. A. Pertsev, G. Viaud, and B. Dkhil

Polarization-controlled spin reorientation transition and resistive switching in ferromagnetic-ferroelectric nanostructures and tunnel junctions

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M. Pohl, V.V. Pavlov, I. A. Akimov, V.N. Gridnev, R.V. Pisarev, D.R. Yakovlev, and M. Bayer

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P. V. Yudin, R. Ahluwalia, and A. K. Tagantsev

Upper bounds for flexoelectric coefficients in ferroelectrics

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R. Ahluwalia, A. K. Tagantsev, P. Yudin, N. Setter, N. Ng, and D. J. Srolovitz

Influence of flexoelectric coupling on domain patterns in ferroelectrics

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D. Bossini, A.M. Kalashnikova, R.V. Pisarev, Th. Rasing, and A.V. Kimel

Controlling coherent and incoherent spin dynamics by steering the photoinduced energy flow

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M. Lafrentz, D. Brunne, A.V. Rodina, V.V. Pavlov, R.V. Pisarev, D.R. Yakovlev, A. Bakin, and M. Bayer

Second-harmonic generation spectroscopy of excitons in ZnO

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Robust antiferromagnetic coupling in hard-soft bi-magnetic core/shell nanoparticles

Nature Communications 4, 2960 (2013).


M. Pohl, V.V. Pavlov, I.A. Akimov, V.N. Gridnev, R.V. Pisarev, D.R. Yakovlev, and M. Bayer

Ultrafast photoinduced linear and circular optical anisotropy in the multiferroic hexagonal manganite YMnO3

Phys. Rev. B 88, 195112 (2013)



R.V. Pisarev, K.N. Boldyrev, M.N. Popova, A.N. Smirnov, V.Yu. Davydov, L.N. Bezmaternykh, M.B. Smirnov, and V.Yu. Kazimirov

Lattice dynamics of piezoelectric copper metaborate CuB2O4

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A. K. Tagantsev, K. Vaideeswaran, S. B. Vakhrushev, A. V. Filimonov, R. G. Burkovsky, A. Shaganov, D. Andronikova, A. I. Rudskoy, A. Q. R. Baron, H. Uchiyama, D. Chernyshov, A. Bosak, Z. Ujma, K. Roleder, A. Majchrowski, J.-H. Ko and N. Setter

The origin of antiferroelectricity in PbZrO3

Nature Communications 4, 2229 (2013).


N. A. Pertsev

Origin of easy magnetization switching in magnetic tunnel junctions with voltage-controlled interfacial anisotropy

Scientific Reports 3, 2757 (2013).


V. A. Sanina, E. I Golovenchits, V.G Zalesskii and B. Kh Khannanov

Common features of low-temperature spin–charge separation and superlattice formation in multiferroic manganites and antiferromagnetic cuprates

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J. V. Jager, A. V. Scherbakov, T.L. Linnik, D.R. Yakovlev, M. Wang, P. Wadley, V. Holy, S.A. Cavill, A.V. Akimov, A.W. Rushforth, and M. Bayer

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