Nikolay A. Pertsev, cand. phys.-math.sci., dr. habil.



Position:senior researcher


e-mail: pertsev.domainjkkj


Tel./fax: +7 812 292 9172/ +7 812 297 1017


Postal address: Ioffe Institute, Ferroics Physics Laboratory, Politekhnicheskaya 26, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia


Visiting address: Ioffe Institute, Politechnicheskaya 26, building "5", room 60


Main research interests: Ferroic and multiferroic heterostructures, magnetic and ferroelectric tunnel junctions, magnetoelectric effects, magnetization dynamics, spin reorientation transition



Main publications:

  1. N. A. Pertsev, A. G. Zembilgotov, and A. K. Tagantsev. Effect of mechanical boundary conditions on phase diagrams of epitaxial ferroelectric thin films. – Physical Review Letters, vol. 80, p. 1988 (1998).
  2. N. A. Pertsev, A. K. Tagantsev, and N. Setter. Phase transitions and strain-induced ferroelectricity in SrTiO3 epitaxial thin films. – Physical Review B, vol. 61, p. R825 (2000).
  3. N. A. Pertsev and V. G. Koukhar. Polarization instability in polydomain ferroelectric epitaxial thin films and the formation of heterophase structures. – Physical Review Letters, vol. 84, p. 3722 (2000).
  4. N. A. Pertsev and H. Kohlstedt. Magnetoresistive memory with ultralow critical current for magnetization switching. – Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 22, p.4696 (2012).
  5. N. A. Pertsev. Origin of easy magnetization switching in magnetic tunnel junctions with voltage-controlled interfacial anisotropy. – Scientific Reports, vol. 3, art. 2757 (2013).

List of publications