The Siberian spectropolarimeter (2-24 GHz) dynamic spectra are stored as the IDL SAV files. Each SAV file contains the following variables:
- DATAF: 1D 16-element array of the emission frequencies [Hz].
- DATAT: 1D N-element array of the recording times [seconds after 01 January 1979, compatible with the SSW anytim conventions]; N is a variable number of times.
- DATAL: 2D N×16-element array of the left-polarized signal intensities corresponding to the above specified frequencies and times.
- DATAR: 2D N×16-element array of the right-polarized signal intensities corresponding to the above specified frequencies and times.
Note that the data are partially calibrated, i.e., the fluxes are in arbitrary units (not sfu); background is not subtracted. In the supplied images, bad data in some frequency channels can be omitted (the corresponding areas are shown as black); the SAV files contain data at all frequencies.
The supplied data can be used for qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis (e.g., studying the delays between X-ray and microwave bursts, searching for fine structures, etc.) only. If you need calibrated data for a specified event, please contact the Siberian spectropolarimeter team at