Solar Flares and Active Regions
Reconstructing the 3D Reality

The magnetic field extrapolation method and its parameters are encoded in the name of the file. Most of the parameters are numerical values and are encoded as digits. In this notation, the digits are shown as "?" characters. To separate different components of the file name the delimiter "_" is used. These components should come in the following order

1. "XX?" - Implementation of the NLFFF extrapolation. Currently, we have two implementations: made by Ivan Myshyakov (IM0) and Alexey Stupishin (AS0). The digit here denotes the revision of the code. The main difference between the implementations is how the field at top and lateral boundaries is transformed. In the "IM0" implementation the boundary values of the field are varied in accordance to the equations of the optimisation method. In the "AS0" implementation the boundary values are fixed and the weighting function is used.

2. Binning factor, is specified as "b?".

3. "pr????" - Preprocessing type. There are three options:

  • "PrNone" - no preprocessing,
  • "prSplit" – "Split" preprocessing (Jiang, Feng, 2014),
  • "prWieg" – preproccesing method developed by (Wiegelman et al., 2008) and implemented by Alexey Stupishin.

4. "ph??" - The height of the base of the computational domain given in voxels of the the grid corresponding to the specified binning factor. “ph” here means lower (photospheric boundary).

5. "ch??" - The height of the layer, where additional constrains were used". If additional constraints were not applied, then "ch##" is used.

6. For the IM0 implementation the number of iterations is given in the end of the filename. Usually it is as high as at least several thousands, therefore "10000" is written as "10k".

For example, the file name "IM0_b9_prNone_ph05_ch##_100k.sav" means that:

1. The calculations were carried out using the "IM0" implementation.

2. For a grid with binning factor = 9.

3. Preprocessing was not applied.

4. The lower boundary of the computational domain (i.e., zero level) corresponds to the 5th level of the grid with the specified binning factor (9).

5. Additional constraints were not applied.

6. 100000 iterations were done.