About SolFER Colloquium
The regular on-line Colloquium of the DRIVE Science Center “Solar Flare Energy Release (SolFER)” invites the entire solar physics community to participate. Although the emphasis of the agenda will be on the topics related to the energy release in solar flares, other relevant solar physics will be covered. The target audience is the SolFER team, as well as active researchers in all areas of Solar Physics including graduate students. The Colloquium uses the Cisco Webex service available at NJIT (link to connect).
The Colloquium runs on a monthly schedule: each third Friday of each month at 1 pm EDT/EST.
The format of the Colloquium includes a brief introduction of the speaker followed by 45-min presentation. The final 5—10 minutes are allocated for discussion and questions. The presenters webcast the presentation/desktop, video, and audio using their own computer with the preinstalled Webex plugin, which is also required for all participants to join the Webex meeting.: Upon joining the meeting each participant is expected to enter a valid first a last names (no questions will be accepted from those who provided incomplete name information, e.g., initials) and join the integrated audio conference. The participation is free. Contextual questions and brief clarifying comments can be made during the talk, but will be managed by the coordinator. Specifically, the one who has a quick question will send it to the coordinator using the chat mechanism, who then will either ask this question to the speaker or invite the author of the question to ask it directly. Requests to ask questions or make comments after the talk are to be sent to the coordinator using the chat. A note to prospective participants: while attending the Colloquium, please, keep you microphones muted and your video off at all times except while you ask a question or make a comment.
A video recording of the webinar will be placed online for free access. After that, those who did not attend the Webinar in person will be given a chance to watch the video and send their questions related to the talk to the Webinar coordinator by e-mail during the next couple of days. Should any question appeared, the coordinator will connect to the speaker, ask those questions to the speaker, record a new video segment, and attach this interview to the master video for that presentation.
are announced at the webinar page, via the SolFER mailing list, and via SolarNews newsletter.
At present we cannot foresee how many people will actually join the Colloquium and what technical issue will be associated with a large number of connections. We will learn as we go. Please, join the initiative and enjoy!