A.A. Mushtukov,
A.Y. Potekhin,
S. Nallan, K. Kornacka, I.S. Ognev, V. Kravtsov, A.A. Dobrynina,
A.D. Kaminker
"Neutrino beaming in ultraluminous X-ray pulsars as a result of gravitational lensing by neutron stars"
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. (submitted)
I.D. Markozov,
A.D. Kaminker,
A.Y. Potekhin
"Hydrodynamic modeling of the structure of an accretion column of an X-ray pulsar with account of the resonant scattering"
in: Book of Abstracts of the ConferencePhysics of Neutron Stars - 2023 (July 10-14, 2023, Saint Petersburg, Russia), edited by A.Y. Potekhin and D.G. Yakovlev
(Saint Petersburg: Ioffe Institute, 2023), p. 37. - ISBN 978-5-93634-071-0 [in Russian]
R. Taverna, R. Turolla, S. Zane, V. Suleimanov,
A.Y. Potekhin "Polarized emission from strongly magnetized sources" (325 kB)
in Proceedings of IAU Symposium No.363
"Neutron Star Astrophysics at the Crossroads:
Magnetars and the Multimessenger Revolution"
(29.11-3.12.2021), eds. E. Troja and M. Baring
(Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2023), p.276-279
A.Y. Potekhin,
G. Chabrier
"Thermonuclear fusion in dense stars:
Electron screening and conductive cooling
14th International Conference Physics of Nonideal Plasmas - PNP14 (September 9-15, 2012, Rostock, Germany)
2012, Book of Abstracts (Rostock: University of Rostock), p.35
V. Suleimanov, V. Hambaryan,
A.Y. Potekhin,
G.G. Pavlov, M. van Adelsberg, R. Neuhäuser, K. Werner
"Absorption features in spectra of magnetized neutron stars"
Astrophysics of Neutron Stars - 2010,
Proc. conf. in honor of M. Ali Alpar, Izmir, Turkey (2010),
2011, AIP Conf. Proc. 1379, 119-122
A.Y. Potekhin,
G. Chabrier
"Thermodynamic functions of dense plasmas: approximations for astrophysical applications"
[Full presentation in PDF]
2009, 13th International Conference on Physics
of Non-Ideal Plasmas,
Chernogolovka, September 13 - 18, 2009.
Book of Abstracts
(Chernogolovka, 2009), p. 88
V. Suleimanov, T. Rauch, K. Werner,
A.Y. Potekhin,
J. Poutanen
"Neutron star model atmospheres"
Recent Directions in Astrophysical Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiation Hydrodynamics: Proc. Intl. Conf. in Honor of Dimitri Mihalas for His Lifetime Scientific Contributions on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday,
2009, AIP Conf. Proc. 1171, 343-344
W.C.G. Ho,
A.Y. Potekhin,
G. Chabrier, K. Mori
"XSPEC models of magnetic neutron stars
with hydrogen and mid-Z element atmospheres"
[ADS entry]
2009, American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #213, #436.09
V. Suleimanov,
A. Potekhin,
K. Werner
"Models of magnetized neutron stars atmospheres"
2008, in: 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (13-20 July 2008, Montreal, Canada; abstract E11-0020-08), p. 3079
D.G. Yakovlev,
O.Y. Gnedin,
A.D. Kaminker,
A.Y. Potekhin
"Theory of cooling neutron stars versus observations"
in 40 Years of Pulsars: Millisecond pulsars, magnetars and more (Montreal, Canada, August 12-17, 2007), eds. C. Bassa, Z. Wang, A. Cumming, V. Kaspi,
2008, AIP Conf. Proc. 983, 379-387
W.C.G. Ho, D.L. Kaplan, P. Chang, M. van Adelsberg,
A.Y. Potekhin,
G. Chabrier
"Magnetic hydrogen atmosphere models and the neutron star
RX J1856.5-3754"
2005, American Astron. Soc. Meeting 207, abstract 198.03
W.C.G. Ho, D. Lai,
A.Y. Potekhin,
G. Chabrier
"Modeling spectral features
of isolated neutron stars" (146 kB)
2005, in:
A. Baykal, S.K. Yerli, S.C. Inam, S. Grebenev (eds.)
The Electromagnetic Spectrum of Neutron Stars,
NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, vol. 210,
(Springer, Berlin), 185-188
M. van Adelsberg, D. Lai,
A. Potekhin "Radiation from condensed
surface of magnetic neutron stars" (186 kB)
2005, in:
A. Baykal, S.K. Yerli, S.C. Inam, S. Grebenev (eds.)
The Electromagnetic Spectrum of Neutron Stars,
NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, vol. 210,
(Springer, Berlin), 141-144
D. Lai, W.C.G. Ho, Z. Medin,
A.Y. Potekhin,
M. van Adelsberg,
G. Chabrier
"Recent theoretical works on matter and radiation
in strong magnetic fields
and thermal emission from neutron stars"
2004, American Astronomical Society, High Energy Astrophysics Division
(HEAD) meeting #8, #39.03
J. Ventura, A.Y. Potekhin, G.G. Pavlov
"Atomic ionization and opacities in pulsar atmospheres" (183 kB)
1998, in: R. Buccheri, J. van Paradijs, M.A. Alpar (eds.), The
Many Faces of Neutron Stars (Kluwer, Dordrecht) p.561-566
V.G. Bezchastnov, A.Y. Potekhin
"Modified adiabatic
approximation for a hydrogen atom moving in a magnetic field"
1994, in:
G. Chabrier, E. Schatzman (eds.),
The Equation of State in Astrophysics,
(Cambridge Univ. Press,
Cambridge, 1994) 555-559
Yu.A. Shibanov, V.E. Zavlin, G.G. Pavlov, J. Ventura, A.Y. Potekhin
"Model atmospheres of magnetic neutron stars"
1993, in:
K. Van Riper, C. Ho, R. Epstein (eds.),
Physics of Isolated Pulsars
(Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press) 174
V.N. Ageev, A.Y. Potekhin, N.D. Potekhina
"The influence of
the diffusion into the adsorbent volume and of the lateral
interactions in the surface layer on the thermal desorption spectrum"
1991, no. 1, 5-15 [in Russian]
A.Y. Potekhin
"Approximations of optical field in
a strongly anisotropic scattering medium"
Izv. Acad. Sci. USSR, Atmos. Ocean. Phys., 26,
A.Y. Potekhin, Yu.A. Anokhin
"Radiation transfer in an optically
thick medium with weak random inhomogeneities"
Opt. Spectrosc.66, 214-217
Yu.A. Anokhin, A.Y. Potekhin
"Micro- and macroscale of the
noise of a photographic image"
Trudy GOI (Proc. State Opt. Inst.),
64, no. 198, 49-55 [in Russian]
A.Y. Potekhin
"Solving statistical problems of the radiative
transfer by the Monte Carlo method"
Zh. Vychislit. Matem. Mat. Fiz.,
27, 776-779
[English translation: USSR Computational Matematics and Matem. Phys.27, 89-91]
V.N. Ageev, A.Y. Potekhin, N.D. Potekhina
"Influence of the
diffusion into the adsorbent volume on the thermal desorption spectrum"
Poverkhnost', no. 1, 31-39 [in Russian]
Yu.A. Anokhin, A.Y. Potekhin
"On the use of
the perturbation method for solving a stochastic transfer equation"
Vestnik Leningr. Univ., Ser.4: Physics and Chemistry,
1987, no. 1, 19-23 [in Russian]
A.Y. Potekhin
"On wave propagation in a turbulent medium
at the distances comparable with the outer scale of turbulence"
Izv. Vyssh. Ucheb. Zav., Ser. Radiofizika,
29, 1267-1270 [in Russian]