Modern technology is definitely on its way from the
world of micrometer sizes to that of nanometers, and
the words "nanoworld" and "nanoscience"
have become an integral part of terminology in the past
two decades. Many international meetings are now using
in their titles the word nanotechnology covering nanoelectronics,
nanobiotechnologies and the technology of nanosize materials.
Among the latter, nanocarbon clusters - fullerenes,
nanotubes and onion-like carbons - are becoming increasingly
important. The family of carbon nanostructures includes
diamond particles with the characteristic size of a
few nanometers, produced by detonation of carbon explosive
Nanodiamonds represent new building blocks suitable
for making nanocomposites and parts for molecular electronics.
Besides, they can serve as a source material for hydrogen
power industry, for the production of selective adsorbents
and catalysts, as well as for medical and biological
applications. Nanodiamond is a unique model substance
for the study of the nanodiamond - onion-like carbon
- nanographite phase transitions under various conditions.
Colloidal solutions of nanodiamonds are suitable objects
for the investigation of physical and chemical properties
of solutions with a minimal size dispersion of particles.
The use of nanodiamonds considerably improves the properties
of microabrasive and polishing materials, lubricating
oils, abrasive tools, polymer compositions, rubbers,
and information-recording systems. In addition, nanodiamonds
can be used for growing diamond films on various substrates
and for making arrays of quantum dots of silicon carbide.
The first reports of the synthesis of nanodiamonds
were made in Russia and then in the USA in the mid-1980s.
During the last few years, there has been active interest
in the production technologies, purification methods,
physico-chemical properties, and applications of this
unique material. The First International Symposium on
Nanodiamonds has been initiated by the researchers in
Russia and other CIS countries, who pioneered the study
of physical and chemical properties of nanodiamond clusters
and worked out commercial technologies for their production
and purification. Other researchers involved in theoretical
and applied investigations of this carbon modification
have supported this initiative.
The Symposium will be held in St Petersburg, Russia,
right after the 6th International Workshop "Fullerenes
and Atomic Clusters"- IWFAC'2003. This provides
the opportunity for specialists to attend both meetings
in order to exchange views on many intriguing aspects
of carbon nanoscience. The Symposium organizers will
arrange for a sightseeing program to introduce the guests
to St Petersburg on the eve of its 300th anniversary.
The Symposium will be held in the period of bright nights,
when the city looks especially beautiful.