Scientific Programme
Monday, June 7 |
930- 945 | Opening
Introduction. Dieter Gruen. Opening remarks. |
945-1030 | T. Daulton, Naval
Research Laboratory, Marine Geosciences Division, USA Nanodiamonds
in Cosmos | 1030- 1115 | D.
Gruen, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Ultrananocrystalline diamond films. | 1115-
1145 | Coffee break |
1145- 1230 | G. Galli,
Livermore National Laboratory, USA Structural
and Electronic properties of nanodiamond: first principles simulations |
1230- 1315 | J. Davidson,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA Applying
CVD Diamond and Particulate Nanodiamond | 1315-
1430 | Lunch |
1430- 1515 | Yu. Gogotsi,
Drexel University, Department of Materials
Science and Engineering, Philadelphia, USA Diamond
and Other Carbon Nanostructures Produced by Chlorination of Carbides |
1515- 1600 | R. Carlson, Molecular
Diamond Technologies, ChevronTexaco
Technology Ventures, Richmond, USA Diamond
Molecules Found in Crude Oil | 1600-
1630 | Coffee break |
1630- 1800 | Panel
discussion:"Unsolved problems for nanodiamond" |
1900- 2200 | Welcome
party | Tuesday,
July 8 | | Ultrananocrystalline diamond films |
900 - 1300 | Excursion
around centre of St.Petersburg and to the Hermitage | 1300-
1430 | Lunch |
1430 - 1515 | F. Benedic,
Laboratoire d'Ingenierie des Materiaux et
des Hautes Pressions, Universite Paris 13, France Synthesis
of Nanocrystalline Diamond Films in Ar/H2/CH4 Microwave Discharges . |
1515- 1600 | R.B. Jackman, Electronic
and Electrical Engineering University College London, UK Characterization
of CVD UNCD films | 1600- 1645
| G. Swain, Michigan State University,
USA The Physical, Chemical and Electrochemical
Properties of Boron-Doped Nanocrystalline Diamond Thin Films. |
1645- 1700 | Coffee
break | 1700- 1745 |
L. Curtiss, Argonne lab, USA Quantum
Chemical Studies of Growth Mechanisms of Ultrananocrystalline Diamond |
1745- 1830 | A.
Hoffman. Technion
- Israel Institute of Technology Haifa, Department of Chemistry, Israel Mechanism
and Visualization of Nanodiamond Films Deposited by the DC-GD-CVD Process.
| 1830- 1915 | V.G.
Ralchenko, General Physics Institute, Moscow
Nanodiamond Seeding for Nucleation and Growth
of CVD Diamond Films | Wednesday,
June 9 | | UNCD particles of Detonation origin |
900 - 930 | V.V.Danilenko.
Discovery of detonation nanodiamond. | 930 - 1015 | V.M.
Titov, Institute
for Hydrodynamics, Novosibirsk, Russia Kinetics
of Formation of Detonation Nanodiamond | 1015-
1100 | V.Yu.
Dolmatov, Federal State Unitary Enterprise
"Special Design and Technological Office "Technolog" and JSC Diamond
Centre, St Petersburg, Russia Physical and
Chemical Problems of Modification of Surface Properties of Detonation Nanodiamonds. |
1100- 1130 | Coffee
break | 1130- 1215 | E.
Osawa, Nanocarbon Research Institute Ltd.,
Chiba, Japan Purification of Detonation Nanodiamond |
1215- 1300 | B.V. Spitsyn, Institute
of Physical Chemistry, Moscow, Russia Purification
and Functionalization of Nanodiamond | 1300-
1430 | Lunch |
1430 - 1515 | V.L.
Kuznetsov, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis,
Novosibirsk, Russia Nanodiamond graphitization
and properties of onion-like carbon | 1515-
1600 | A. Shames, Ben-Gurion
University of the Negev, Israel EPR of
nanodiamonds | 1600- 1615 | Coffee
break | 1615- 1700 | M.V.
Baidakova, Ioffe Institute, St Petersburg, Russia
Comparison of different methods for characterization of nanodiamonds |
1700- 1800 | Poster Session | 1800- 1930
| Panel discussion: Critical issues on UNCD films
and UNCD particles | Thursday,
June 10 | | Nanodiamonds and other carbon
nanostructures. Theory and applications. |
930 - 1015 | O. Shenderova, International
Technology Center, Research Triangle Park, USA Carbon
Family at the Nanoscale | 1015- 1100 | A.
Barnard, Argonne lab, USA From
nanodiamond to nanowires. | 1100-
1130 | Coffee break |
1130- 1215 | F. Benedic,
Laboratoire d'Ingenierie des Materiaux et
des Hautes Pressions, Universite Paris 13, France Modelling
of Ar/H2/CH4 microwave discharges used for nanocrystalline diamond growth. |
1215- 1300 | V.V. Zhirnov, Semiconductor
Research Corporation, USA Electron Emission
from Detonation Nanodiamond. | 1300-
1430 | Lunch |
1430 - 1515 | A.Ya.
Vul', Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St
Petersburg, Russia Thermoelectric effect in field
electron emission from nanocarbon | 1515- 1600
| O. A. Williams, Argonne National Laboratory. USA Electronic
Properties and Applications of Ultrananocrystalline Diamond. |
1600- 1700 | Panel discussion: Market
opportunities for nanodiamonds | 1700- 1730 | Closing
remarks |
Poster Sessions | | Ultrananocrystalline
Diamond | P01 | Danilenko V.V.
About conditions of formation of detonation nanodiamond | P02 |
Peter R. Buerki. Revisiting an early attempt to synthesize nanodiamonds in
the gas-phase | P03 | Puzyr A.P.,
Bondar V.S., Bukayemsky A.A., Selyutin G., Kargin V.F. New properties of the
detonation synthesis nanodiamonds. | P04 | Petrov I.L.
Synthesis and way of processing the Chelyabinsk detonation nanodiamonds. |
P05 | Patel Bhavik A., Rutt Ken J., Padalko
Vladimir I., Mikhalovsky Sergey V. Nanoporous disperse diamonds as a stationary
phase for HPLC. | P06 | Mironov E., Petrov E., and Koretz
A. Infrared Investigation of Detonation Synthesis Nanodiamond. |
P07 | Dementjev A.P., Maslakov K.I. Some
results for understanding of nanodiamond growth. | P08 |
Feoktistov N.A., Grudinkin S.A., Nashchekin A. V., Golubev V.G., Vul' A.Ya. Nanodiamond
Injection into the Vapor-Phase during Diamond Film Growth. |
P09 | Zavodinsky V. G. Stabilization of diamond-like nanoclusters
by metallic atoms and the epitaxial growth of diamond films: ab initio simulation.
| P10 | Bogatyreva G.P., Marinich M.A., Bazaliy G.A.
Modification of submicronic and nanodiaspersed diamonds. |
P11 | Vul' A.Ya., Dideykin A.T., Tsaryova Z.G., Brunkov P. N., Korytov
M. N., Zhukov B. G., Rozov S. I., Nashchekin A. V. Direct STM Observation
of Single Nanodiamond Clusters. | P12 | Gubarevich
T.M., Gamanovich D.N. Conversional row materials industrial manufacturing
of Ultradispersed Diamonds. | P13 |
W.W. Duley, V.I. Grishko and O.A. Shenderova Infrared Spectra and Photoluminescent
Properties of Explosion Nanodiamonds |
P14 | Isakov V. P., Isakova V. G., Petrakovskaya E. A.
Powder fullerene and ultradispersed diamonds composites with metal and oxide
nanoparticles. | P15 | Lutsenko V.G.
Conversion of elementary substrates and inorganic compounds into carbon nanostructures.
| P16 | Shilov V.V., Gomza Yu.P., Padalko V.I.,
Shilova O.A. Fine and fractal structure and photonic conductivity of silica
phoshate - nanodiamond sol-gel nanocomposites. |
P17 | Gubarevich T.M., Chernukho L.E., Kulik V.P., Stemplyuk R.G.
Regeneration of ultradispersed diamonds from compose cromizing electrolytes.
| P18 | Gubarevich T.M., Chernukho L.E Adsorbtion
of ions on ultradispersed diamonds surface. |
P19 | Ivanov M.G., Ivanov D.M., Kharlamov V.V. The friction
characteristic of lubricant with nanometres diamond and polytetrafluoroethylene.
| P20 | Gubarevich T.M., Gamanovich D.N. Technological
complex of ultradispersed diamonds production. |
P21 | Gubarevich T.M., Chernukho L.E. Modifications of Ultradispersed
Diamonds in compose gilding process. | P22 | Padalko
V. Opening doors to nanodiamond commercialization . (Applications of nanodiamond:
problems and perspectives ...). | |
| | | | | |