Institute for Nuclear Problems, Belarus State University Ioffe Physico-Technical InstituteTechnische Universitat Berlin, Institut fur Festkorperphysik University of Exeter

Criteria for Success

Criteria for success
(In terms of scientific development)
Relative weight
1. If in 1.5 year after the strart of the project a tecnology for GaInAsN layers growth will be developed 25%
2. If in two years after the strart of the project low resistivity p-type contact layers are realized 15%
3. If in two years after the strart of the project photopumped green laser will be realized 20%
4. If at the end of the project a tecnology for GaInAsN light-emitting diodes will be developed 20%
5. If at the end of the project laser diode working in the green spectral range will be achieved 20%

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