Summary Report
Project Number: SfP
Project Short Title: SfP –
Quaternary Devices
Full Titel: Light Emitting Devices Based on GaAsN-GaN Double Heterostructures
Project Co-Directors:
Priv.Doz. Dr. Axel Hoffmann, Technical University Berlin, Germany (NPD)
Professor Zh.I. AlferovA.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia (PPD)
Dr. Annette S. Plaut, Exeter University, Exeter, UK
Dr. Sc. V.P. Kalosha, Institute for Nuclear Problems, Belarus State University, Minsk, Belarus
Approval Date:
02.1999 – 02.2004
Estimated Overall NATO Budget:
National Contribution:
285 000 EUR
1 500 000 EUR
Information about the SfP Project through Internet
Major Objectives
- Development of growth of the InGaAsN-(Al,Ga)N HSs with emphasis on the influence of As on growth processes.
- Investigations of structural properties of InGaAsN-(Al,Ga)N HSs.
- Study of the dependence of optical properties of these heterostructures on InGaAsN composition.
- Investigations of influence of As concentration on structural and electrical properties of the (Al,Ga)N alloys.
- Theoretical study of the high-frequency properties of semiconductor HSs with regular and irregular distributed nanograines
- Fabrication and characterization of LEDs based on this system.
- Fabrication of LDs and investigation of their properties.
Overview of Achievements Since the Start of the Project until May 2002
- Theoretical investigation of the optical response of hexagonal lattices of semiconductor QDs and light confinement in QDs.
- Microscopic electronic state study of HSs by development of minimal autonomic block method for eigen-value for QDs.
- Rigorous diffraction analysis of non-homogeneous periodical heterostructures.
- Development of the theory of electromagnetic response and light confinement in QDs.
- Investigation of carrier charge transport in 3D-inhomogeneous heterostructures and formulation of effective boundary conditions for 2D arrays of QDs.
- Study of dynamic of carrier relaxation in the QDs.
- Investigation of 2D and 3D active composites constituted by randomly distributed active domains
- Electrodynamics of 2D and 3D perfect and irregular heterestructures
- Theoretical investigations of the barrier doping optimization of InGaN/GaN MQW structures for active region of blue laser was carried out
- Influence of the photoexitation and n-type doping on InGaN/GaN single quantum well (SQW) band structure was investigated experimentally and theoretically by using self-consistent numerical calculation of Poisson and Schrodinger equations
- Development of the methods of in situ control of growth process.
- Development of methods of the intentional incorporation of As atoms in GaN by grown of thin GaAs insertions in GaN.
- Fabrication of GaAsN/GaN SL in GaN.
- Fabrication of GaAsN/AlGaAsN modulated doped HS for contact layers.
- Formation of thick GaN layers on GaAs substrate using annealing of GaAs substrate in nitrogen atmosphere under simultaneous fluxes of arsine and ammonia that shows possibility to fabricate GaN substrates.
- Growth of InGaN ultrathin layers and SLs in GaN.
- Development of the methods to control the formation of InGaN QDs in GaN.
- Growth of n- and p-doped AlxGa1-xN-GaN DBRs.
- Development and constructing of setup for oxidation of AlAs-GaN DBR and contacts. Development of growth and oxidation of AlAs-GaN DBRs.
- Fabrication of following types of the contacts: GaN-Ti/Au, n-GaN-AlTi/Au, p-GaN- Pd/Au, p-GaN-Ni/Pt.
- Etching regrowth technological operations for buried ridge lasers fabrication was developed.
- Realization of lasing at blue-green and UV-blue optical range at room temperature at optical pumping.
- Optical pumped lasing at room temperature in InGaN-GaN SLs grown on top of DBR.
- Fabrication of LED with DBR.
- Development of LED processing.
Implementation of Results
Contract between Ioffe Institute and Russian Ministry on Atomic Energy oriented on development of technology and fabrication of GaN based LED was signed. Large scale production MOCVD growth mashine AIX2000 will be purchased in frame of the contract.
Optimization of growth of LED structures on the sapphire substrates fabricated by Technology Research Agency “UnisaPPH” (Russia).
Agreements of intention were obtained from “Planeta” Ltd. (Nighnii Novgorod, Russia), Korvet Lights Ltd. (Moscow, Russia).
NATO Consultant
- Visit of NATO experts consisting of: Dr. Behlau, Prof. Fenstad, Prof. Oelgaard and Dr. De Wispelaere was held at Ioffe Institute (13 March 2001). Talk about achivements in frame of the project was given by Dr.A.F.Tsatsul’nikov.
- Visit of NATO experts was held at Ioffe Institute (October 2001). Talk about achievements in frame of the project was given by Prof. N.N.Ledentsov.
Distributed Bragg Reflector
Heterostructure |
HS |
Laser Diode |
LD |
Light Emitting Device |
Photoluminescence |
PL |
Quantum Dot |
QD |
Superlattice |
SL |
Ultraviolet |