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Sector of Solid State Theory
Division of Solid State Electronics
Group of Atomic Theory and Computation
APS mini-workshop IV "Quantum computing: achievable reality or unrealistic dream", Jerusalem, 6th January, Israel
Workshop 2015: Photon and fast Ion induced Processes in Atoms, Molecules and Nanostructures, PIPAMON, March 24-26th, Debrecen, Hungary
13th Workshop Complex Systems of Charged Particles and their interaction with Electromagnetic Radiation, April 08-11, Moscow, Russia
46th Annual DAMOP Meeting, DAMOP 2015, June 8-12, Columbus, Ohio, USA
24th International Symposium on Ion-Atom Collisions (ISIAC2015), July 19-21, Barcelona, Spain
XXIX International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, July 22-28, Toledo, Spain
International Symposium on (e,2e), Double Photo-ionization and Related Topics, July 30-August 2, San Sebastian, Basque country, Spain
The New Generation in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2015, September 14-18, Trogir, Croatia
12th Workshop Complex Systems of Charged Particles and their interaction with Electromagnetic Radiation, April 07-12, Moscow
18th research Workshop "Nucleation theory and applications", April 12-17th, Dubna, Russian Federation
45nd Annual DAMOP Meeting, DAMOP 2014, June 2-6, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
2nd International colloquium on molecular, atomic and particle physics (MANPP-14), August 25-27th, Suzhou, China
«Российская наука: история и современность» (Конференция к 25-летию Санкт-Петербургского союза учёных), 25 октября, Санкт-Петербург, Российская Федерация
11th Workshop Complex Systems of Charged Particles and their interaction with Electromagnetic Radiation, April 08-17, 2013, Moscow, Russia
44th Annual DAMOP Meeting, DAMOP 2013, Quebec city, Quebec, Canada, June 3-7
38th International conference on Vacuum Ultraviolet and X-ray Physics, VUVX2013, Hefei, Anhui Province, China, July 12-19
23rd International Symposium on Ion-Atom Collisions - ISIAC XXIII, 20th-23rd July, Beijing, China
International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions -ICPEAC XXVIII, July 24th - 30th, Lanzhou, China
ВИП-2013 Взаимодействие ионов с поверхностью, August 22-26, Ярославль, Россия,
The 22nd European Conference on Few-body Problems in Physics, September 08th -15th, Krakow, Poland
20ая конференция по фундаментальной атомной спектроскопии ФАС-XX, 22-27 сентября, Воронеж, Россия
XXIV Конференция «Современная химическая физика», 20 сентября - 01 октября, Туапсе, Россия
Conference One step from centennial В шаге от столетия, and Jubilee session of the scientific council of the Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, 30-31 October, St. Petersburg, Russia
13th meeting of the South-Eastern section of APS (SESAPS13), November 23-26, Kentucky, USA
Israeli Physical Society 58th annual meeting, December 9th, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
APS mini-workshop III "What physics can say about climate changes", Jerusalem, 25th December, Israel
APS mini-workshop on endohedrals, Jerusalem, 18th January, Israel
17th International winter school on physics of semiconductors, February 24-25th, Zelenogorsk, Russia.
"Physics of Competition and Conflicts", Complexity -An Interdisciplinary perspective, Hebrew University, March 27-29, Jerusalem
10th Workshop Complex Systems of Charged Particles and their interaction with Electromagnetic Radiation and 50 years of self-focusing, April 15-24, Moscow, Russia
43rd Annual DAMOP Meeting, DAMOP 12, Orange County, CA, June 4-8th
Belfast University, 15-19 July, Belfast, UK, European Science Open Forum, ESOF2012, July 9-15, Dublin, Ireland
International Conference Many Particle Spectroscopy of Atoms, Clusters and Surfaces MPS2012, August 27th - September 1, Berlin, Germany
Max Born Institute of Nonlinear Optics and Fast Spectroscopy, September 2-6th, Berlin, Germany
International Conference on Electron Spectroscopy and Structure ICESS, September 16-21th, Palais des Congress, Saint-Malo, France.
Фуллерены как резонаторы и усилители электромагнитного излучения, Институтский семинар, ФТИ им. Иоффе, Санкт-Петербург, 12.10.12
10th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics, AISAMP10, October 23-30, Taipei and Tainan, Taiwan (Republic of China).
Satellite to 10th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics AISAMP 10, National Cheng-Kung University, October 29th-30th, Tainan, Taiwan (Republic of China).
Mini-workshop "Strong collective effects in atomic systems" (in the frame of Israeli-Russian grant "Strong effects in photoionization of endohedral atoms"), Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2nd December.
Israeli Physical Society 58th annual meeting, December 9th, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
APS mini-workshop "Friction in physics and society", Jerusalem, 12th December, Israel
Many-body correlations from dilute to dense nuclear systems, Institute Henry Poincare, Paris, France, February 15-18th
9th Workshop "Complex Systems of Charged Particles and their Interaction with Electromagnetic Radiation". Physics of Complex Systems, Moscow, Russia, April 13-15th, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 56, 5, June 2011, 42nd Annual DAMOP Meeting, DAMOP 11, Atlanta, Georgia, June 13-17th
XXVII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, 27 July-2 August 2011, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK.
Seminar and colloquium al the Laser collaboration, Imperial College, London, UK, 02nd-10th.10.11
Почему мы те, кто мы есть (О периодах формировании ментальности человека), Институтский семинар, ФТИ им. Иоффе, Санкт-Петербург, 21.10.11
Israeli Physical Society 57th annual meeting, December 25th, Technion, Haifa.
56th meeting of the Israel Physical Society, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, 4th December, Israel
К 100-летию со дня рождения академика Б. П. Константинова, Санкт Петербург, 21-22.10.10.
Наука и общество. Экономика и социология в XXI веке, V Петербургская встреча лауреатов Нобелевской премии Санкт Петербург, 18-22.10.10
Институтский семинар, ФТИ им. Иоффе, Санкт Петербург, 15.10.10
Научный семинар Санкт-Петербургского союза ученых и Кафедры энтомологии Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета, Санкт Петербург, 11.10.10.
Seventh international conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications (ICAMDATA 2010), Vilnius, Lithuania, September 21-24
International conference (by invitation only) Problems of globalization in the East and West, July 19-20th, St. Petersburg, Russia
European Science Open Forum ESOF2010, July 1-7, Turin, Italy
Symmetry in physics, Centennial of G. Racah, The Hebrew University, June 6-8, Jerusalem, Israel
8th Workshop Complex Systems of Charged Particles and their interaction with Electromagnetic Radiation, April 12-19, Moscow, Russia
National Don Hwa University, Physics Department, March 16th, Hualien, 974 Taiwan
National University of Taipei, March 9th
Institute of Atomic and Molecular science, Academica Sinica, Republic of China, March 7th-13th
Korean Institute of Advance Studies (KIAS), March 5th, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Chungnam National University, March 4nd, Daejon, Republic of Korea
Korean Institute of Advancement of Science and Technology (KIAST), March 4th, Daejon, Republic of Korea
Seoul National University, March 3nd, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Hanyang University, March 1st-2nd, Seoul, Republic of Korea
EUROSCIENCE Governing Board meeting, January 21-22nd, Brussels, Belgium.
Bogolyubov Kiev Conference Modern Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, September 15-18, Kiev, Ukraine.
Рабочее совещание Современные проблемы астрофизики и космологии, Август 2009, Санкт Петербург, Россия.
DAMOP 09, The University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, May 20-23
XXVI International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA, 22-28 July
International conference (by invitation only) Problems of globalization in the East and West, July 19-20th, St. Petersburg, Russia
9th Biennial International Workshop Fullerenes and Atomic Clusters, July 6-10, St. Petersburg, Russia
XIX Конференция по Фундаментальной Атомной Спектроскопии (ФАС XIX), Петрозаводск, Россия, 22-29 июня
7th Workshop Complex Systems of Charged Particles and their interaction with Electromagnetic Radiation. Physics of Complex Systems, April 12-20, Moscow, Russia
International conference 90th anniversary of D. A. Granin, January 14th, St. Petersburg, Russia
When Sciences and Humanities Meet, Jerusalem, the Humboldt Kolleg Symposium, January 8th, Israel
54th meeting of the Israel Physical Society, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, 28th December, Israel
EUROSCIENCE Governing Board meeting, December 13 - 14, Turin, Italy
German-Israeli Year of Science and Technology 2008: GIF's 20th Anniversary Celebration, Jerusalem, November 16-20, Israel
Technologies of the 21st century: biological, physical, informational and social aspects, 2nd St.-Petersburg, HUMBOLDT-KOLLEG CONFERENCE, St.-Petersburg, October 7-9, Russia
MOLEC-2008, XVII European Conference on Dynamics of Molecular Systems, St. Petersburg, August 23-28, Russia
Chemistry department, University of Perugia, Itali, 13-15th June
National Institute of Nuclear Physics, University of Perugia, 11-12 June
CNR - IMIP, Area della Ricerca di Roma, 02-11 June, Rome
DAMOP 08, State College PA, USA, May
6th Workshop Complex Systems of Charged Particles and their interaction with Electromagnetic Radiation. Physics of Complex Systems, April 07-14, Moscow, Russia
EUROSCIENCE Governing Board meeting, December 13 - 14, Turin, Italy
53rd meeting of the Israel Physical Society, Weizmann Institute of Science, December 9th, Rekhovot, Jerusalem, Israel
CNR - IMIP, Area della Ricerca di Roma, 18-26 November, Rome
XVIII конференция по Фундаментальной Атомной Спектроскопии (ФАС XVIII), Звенигород, Московская область, 22 - 26 октября
Non-victorious second Lebanon war for Israel and the world, European University at St. Petersburg, 08.10.07, St. Petersburg, Russia
Education in Israel, Center for Advanced studies of Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, 08.10.07, St. Petersburg, Russia
Energy and Fuel -Traditional and Alternative Sources, St. Petersburg State University, Institute of Physics, 25.09.07, St. Petersburg, Russia
Fullerenes shells as reflectors and amplifiers, St. Petersburg State University, Chair of spectroscopy, 18.09.07, St. - Petersburg, Russia
Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Physics, VUV XV, Berlin, Germany, 29 July-3 August
DAMOP 07, Calgary, June 05- 09
Nevada State University at Reno, May 16-22, Reno, Nevada, USA
Institute of Material Studies, National Autonomous University of Mexico, May 02-15, Mexico-City, Mexico
5th Workshop Complex Systems of Charged Particles and their interaction with Electromagnetic Radiation. Physics of Complex Systems, April 08-15, Moscow, Russia
Max-Planck-Institute of Physics of Complex systems, March 27-April 4, Dresden, Germany
Order and Disorder in Condensed matter: from Solitons to Glasses, Ben Gurion University, 25-29 January, Beer Sheva, Israel
4th Workshop Complex Systems of Charged Particles and their interaction with Electromagnetic Radiation. Physics of Complex Systems (Econophysics), April 19-21, Moscow, Russia
Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Plank society, Berlin, 07-17 May, Germany
Berlin Electron Synchrotron Source (BESSI II), Berlin, Germany
Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Meeting, DAMOP 06, Knoxville, May 16- 20th
European Group on Atomic Systems (EGAS 38) Island of Ischia (Naples), June 7- 10th
International conference Many-particle spectroscopy on atoms, molecules, clusters and surfaces (e,2e)06, June 22 - 24, Rome, Italy
IUPAP Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, FB18, Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazil, August 21-26th
International Conference on Electronic Spectroscopy and Structure, Foz do Iguacu, Parana, Brazil, ICESS 10, August 28-September 1st
International Symposium: Scattering, Coincidence and Absorption Studies of Molecules (SCASM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 4-6
Energy and Fuel -Traditional and Alternative Sources, A. F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute Seminar, 28.09.06, St. Petersburg, Russia
52nd meeting of the Israel Physical Society, The Hebrew University, December 17th Jerusalem, Israel
International Conference "Science, Ideology, Religion", March 30 - April 01, St. Petersburg, Russia
Clark Atlanta University, May 05 - June 02, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Meeting, DAMOP, APS, May 17-21, Lincoln, USA
Colloquium for Humboldt Fellows and Awardees, June 26 - 27, Jerusalem, Israel
International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions -ICPEAC - XXIV, July 20 - 27, Rosario, Argentina
Asia Pacific Few Body Conference, The 3rd APFB05, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand, 26 - 30 July
7th International Workshop on Photoionization, IWP 05, July 27-31, Campinas, Brazil
Federal University of Argentina, August 03, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Scientific Counsel of the A. F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, September, St. Petersburg, Russia
XXIII Congress on Spectroscopy, Zvenigorod, Russia, October 17-21st, 2005
US-Africa Advanced Studies Institute: Photon Interactions with Atoms and Molecules, 03-12 November, Durban, South Africa
51st meeting of the Israel Physical Society, December 25th, Ort Braude College, Karmiel, Israel
NATO Advanced Research Workshop: Scientists, Investigation and Mitigation of Tensions in Society, April 17-20, St. Petersburg, Russia
Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Meeting DAMOP, APS, Tucson, US
Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Frankfurt, Germany, 1 week, July
19th European Conference on Few-body Problems in Physics, August 23 - 27, Groningen, The Netherlands
International Workshop "MPERP-04"- Many-Particle Effects in Radiation physics, September 7-10, Belgorod, Russia
50th meeting of Israel Physical Society, Technion, Haifa, Israel
Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Meeting DAMOP, APS, Boulder, USA
International Symposium "Atomic Cluster Collisions: fission, fusion, electron, ion and photon impact", July 18-21, Saint Petersburg, Russia
International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions -ICPEAC XXIII, July 23 - 29, Stockholm, Sweden
17th International Conference on the Few-body problems, Durham, USA
University Rome III, Rome, Italy
National Center for Nuclear Research, Frascati, Italy
International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation in Material Sciences, January 21-24,Singapore
Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics (MECO-27), Sopron, Hungary, March 7-9
Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Meeting, DAMOP, APS, Williamsburg, May 29- June 1
The 3rd International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and their Application, ICAMDATA, Gatlinburg, USA, April 24-27, USA
International Conference on X-ray and Inner shell processes (X02), Rome, Italy, June 24-28
International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP-), Harvard, USA, July 23-27
International Seminar on Photoionization in Atoms (7th ICR Seminar), Kyoto, Japan, August 19-20
International Workshop on Photoionization (IWP2002), Spring-8, Hyogo, Japan, August 22-26
The 13th Topical Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, APIP, Gatlinburg, USA
EGAS, Sofia
XVIIIth European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Bled, Slovenia, September 8-14
Collective effects in Atomic Processes, Humboldt Symposium for Research Awardees, Moscow, September 26 - 28th
48th meeting of Israel Physical Society, Rehovot, Israel
ECAMP-7, Berlin, Germany, April 2-6
Workshop on Light Sources, Lund, Sweden
Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Meeting, DAMOP, APS, London, May 16-19, Canada
VUV-13, Trieste, Italy, July 17-23
ICPEAC 22, Santa - Fe, USA, July 18-24
Workshop on Decay Processes in Core-Excited Species, Monte Porzio Catone, Rome, Italy, July 30-Aug 2
XI International Conference on Computing Mechanics and Update Program Systems, Moscow, July
XII Congress on Spectroscopy, Zvenigorod, October
International Symposium on Artificial and Natural Nano-structures (ANN01), Rome, Italy, December 10-12
47th meeting of Israel Physical Society, Tel Aviv, Israel
2nd International Conference on Atomic Data, Oxford, March, UK
Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
International colloquium Atomic and Molecular Data for Astrophysics, Moscow, June 5-6
The Third Joint Meeting of Chinese Physicists World-Wide: Role of Physics in the New Millennium, Hong Kong, July 31 - Aug 4
ICESS-8, Berkeley
32 EGAS, Vilnius
Symposium on Physics of Ionized Gases SPIG 20, Zlatibor, September 4-8, Yugoslavia
Institute of Nuclear Science "Boris Kidrich", Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Meeting, DAMOP, APS, Storrs, USA
New Trends in Atomic Physics, Symposium in honor of K. Taulbjerg, Institute of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus, Denmark