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Sector of Solid State Theory
Division of Solid State Electronics

Group of Atomic Theory and Computation


from 2000


V K Dolmatov, L V Chernysheva , V G Yarzhemsky. Photoionization of atoms and ions from endohedral anions, ATOMS, 2024, 12, 56, arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.11670, 2024

Л В Чернышева, V G Яржемский, Задержка электронов при фотоионизации 2s и 2p оболочек Ne с учетом рассеяния фотоэлектронов.Письма ЖЭТФ 120, вып. 3, с. 184-189, 2024. (Delay of Photoelectrons Emitted from the Ionized Ne 2s and 2p Shells Including Photoelectron Scattering, JETP Letters 120 (3), 177-182, 2024)

L V Chernysheva, V G Yarzhemsky, Photoionization cross-sections of valence shells of 3d-elements in VUV-soft X-ray spectral region. /ADNDT (Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables) 158, 101650, 2024

L V Chernysheva, V G Yarzhemsky, Photoionization cross-sections of valence ns and np (n=2,3) atomic shells in soft x-ray region./ ADNDT (Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables) 155C, 101621, 2024


L V Chernysheva, V G Yazhemsky. Рассеяние положительных мюонов атомами инертных газов. Ядерная физика, т.86, №2, 2023 (Scattering of positive muons by atoms of inert gases. Nuclear Physics,86,4, 2023)


V. G. Yazhemsky, L. V. Chernysheva. Calculations of shake -up satellites intensities in photoelectron spectra by generalized configuration interaction method. J. Phys. B At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 55, 165002 (5pp), 2022

L. V. Chernysheva,V. K. Ivanov. ATOM program system and computational experiment. MDPI, Atoms, 10 (2), 52, 2022

M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva. Role of fullerenes shell in time delay of photoelectrons from endohedrals. /Determ in Nanomed & Nanotech 2(4), DNN, 000549, 2022


M. Ya. Amusia, V. K. Dolmatov, L. V. Chernysheva. Positron elastic scattering by a semifilled-shell atom. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., v.54, 185003, 2021


M. Ya. Amusia, A. S. Baltenkov, L. V. Chernysheva. Modification of Endohedral Potential after Instant Ionization of the Inner Atom. Jetp.Lett., v.111,1, pp. 1-6, 2020

M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva. Time Delay of Photoionization by Endohedrals Jetp.Lett., v.112, 4, pp. 1-6, 2020

M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva. Non-dipole Effects in Time Delay of Photoelectrons from Atoms, Negative Ions, and Endohedrals. Jetp.Lett., v.112, 10, pp. 1-7, 2020

M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva. Intershell correlations in endohedral atoms. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, v.28, 3, pp.1-4, 2020

M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva. Photoionization of endohedrals: complete semi-phenomenological approach. 31st International conference on photonic, electronic and atomic collisions, ICPEAC 2019/ J. Phys.:Conf. Ser., v.1412, 20, ArtNo:#202025, 2020

V. K. Dolmatov, M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva. On the e-/C60 elastic angle-differential scattering cross section. 31st International conference on photonic, electronic and atomic collisions, ICPEAC 2019 /J. Phys.:Conf. Ser., v.1412, 18, ArtNo:#182011, 2020


M. Ya. Amusia, A. S. Baltenkov. Time delay in electron-C60 elastic scattering in a Dirac bubble potential model. J.Phys.B.-At.Mol.Opt.Phys.,v.52,1,ArtNo:#015101, 2019

M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva. Photoionization of Endohedrals with account of fullerenes polarization JETP.Lett.,v.109, 6, pp 347-351, 2019

M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva, S. K. Semenov. Photoionization of molecular endohedrals. JETP.Lett.,v.110, 2, pp 102-106, 2019

M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva, V. K. Dolmatov. Angle-differential elastic electron scattering off C60: a simple semi-empirical theory versus experiment. J. Phys. B-At. Mol. Opt. Phys., v.52, 8, ArtNo: #085201, 2019

M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva. Intershell correlations in endohedral atoms. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, v.27, 11, 2019


M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva. On the bosonic atoms. JETP lett.,v.107,2, p.91-95, 2018.

M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva. Estimation of the Integral Role of Intershell Correlations in Heavy Atoms. JETP lett., v.108,7, p.1-4,2018.

М. Я. Амусья. О теоретиках и теориях. Природа, т.9б с. 41-49б 2018.


V. K. Dolmatov., M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva The effects of target polarization in electron elastic scattering off endohedral A@C60. Phys. Rev. A95(1), 012709, 2017.

E. G. Drukarev, M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva. Internal energy loss of the electrons ejected in neutrinoless double beta decay. The 23rd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics. Few-Body Systems. 58(1), 12, 2017.


M. Ya. Amusia, E. G. Drukarev, and L. V. Chernysheva, Intershell correlations in photoionization of outer shells, “Processes in Atoms, Molecules and Nanostructures (PIPAMON)”, Debretsen, 2015, Nuclear Instruments and Methods B, v.368, p. 21-23, 2016.

M. Ya. Amusia and L. V. Chernysheva. The role of fullerene shell upon stuffed atom polarization potential. Письма в ЖЭТФ, 103, 4, с. 286-290, 2016.

E. G. Drukarev, M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva. Role of atomic electron shell in the double beta decay. Phys. Rev. C 94, 035504, 2016.


M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva, On the behavior of scattering phases in collisions of electrons with multi-atomic objects, on line 2015, Pis'ma v ZhETF, 101, 7, 556-559, 2015, JETP Letters, 101, 7, 503-506, 2015.

M. Ya. Amusia, Comment on the shape of Hydrogen equation in spaces of arbitrary dimension, on line 2015, 2015.

S. G. Karshenboim, V. G. Ivanov, and M. Ya. Amusia, On the Lamb shift of electronic states in neutral muonic helium (an electron-muon-nucleus system), on line 2015, Phys. Rev. A, 91, 032510, 2015.

M. Ya. Amusia, Hydrogen equation in spaces of arbitrary dimensions, on line 2015, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 635, 042001, 2015.

M. Ya. Amusia, and L. V. Chernysheva, On the additivity of scattering phases in collisions of electrons on endohedrals, on line 2015, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 635, 072004, 2015.

M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva, and E. G. Drukarev, Interelectron correlations in photoionization of outer shells near inner shell thresholds, on line 2015, Journal of Physics b: Conference Series, 635, 092012, 2015.

V. R. Shaginyan, M. Ya. Amusia, J. W. Clark, G. S. Japaridze, A. Z. Msezane, K. G. Popov, V. A. Stephanovich, M. V. Zverev, and V. A. Khodel, Comment on "Topological excitations and the dynamic structure factor of spin liquids on the kagome lattice" (Punk, M., Chowdhury, D. & Sachdev, S. Nature Physics 10, 289-293 (2014)) (with), on line 2014, Phys. Let. A, submitted, 2014.

V. R. Shaginyan, M. Ya. Amusia, A. Z. Msezane, K. G. Popov, and V. A. Stephanovich, Heavy fermion spin liquid in herbertsmithite, on line 2015, Phys. Lett. A 379, 2092, 2015.

M. Ya. Amusia, E. G. Drukarev, and L. V. Chernysheva, Intershell correlations in photoionization of outer shells, Nuclear Instruments and Methods B Proceedings, accepted, 2015.

M. Ya. Amusia, E. G. Drukarev, and L. V. Chernysheva, Influence of the inner shell electrons on photoionization of outer shells, arXiv:1506.04958, European Physical Journal, accepted, 2015.


M. Ya. Amusia and E. G. Drukarev, Multielectron processes in photoionization of endohedral atoms at high photon energies, Phys. Rev. A 89, 013412, 2014.

M. Ya. Amusia, E. G. Drukarev, E. Z. Liverts, and A. I. Mikhailov, Physics of small recoil in one-photon — two-electron ionization of helium, Few-Body Systems, 55, 8-10, 865-868, 2014.

M. Ya. Amusia, E. G. Drukarev, E. Z. Liverts, and A. I. Mikhailov, Recoil momenta distribution in the double photoionization, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 488, 2, 022045, 2014.

M. Ya. Amusia and L. V. Chernysheva, Comment on "Photoionization of endohedral atoms using R-matrix methods: application to Xe@C60", on line 2014, Phys. Rev A, 89, 057401, 2014.

M. Ya. Amusia, Bohr's molecular model and the melding of classical and quantum mechanics, Comment on "Bohr's molecular model, a century later" by Anatoly Svidzinsky, Marlan Scully, and Dudley Herschbach (Physics Today, January 2014, page 33), Physics Today, Readers' Forum, 8, p.8, 2014.

V. K. Dolmatov, M. Ya. Amusia, and and L. V. Chernysheva, Electron elastic scattering off a spin-polarized Cr atom, on line 2014, Phys. Rev. A, 90, 032717, 2014.

M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva, and E. G. Drukarev, Explanation of the recent results on photoionization of endohedral atoms, on line 2014, JETP Letters, 100, 9, 619-622, 2014.

M. Ya. Amusia, K. G. Popov, V. R. Shaginyan, and V. A. Stephanovich, Theory of Heavy-Fermion Compounds (Theory of Strongly Correlated Fermi-Systems), Springer, Berlin, pp 395, 2014.


M. Ya. Amusia and V. I. Matveev, Polarization Bremsstrahlung in collisions of fast ions with multiatomic targets, on line 2013, Pis'ma v ZhETP, 97, 7, 443-446, 2013; JETP Letters, 97, No 7, 379-382, 2013  

M. Ya. Amusia, E. G. Drukarev, E. Z. Liverts, and A. I. Mikhailov, On the dependence of the two-electron - one-photon ionization cross-section upon recoil momenta, Phys. Rev. A, 87, 043423-1-6, 2013  

M. Ya. Amusia, K. G. Popov, and V. R. Shaginyan, Fermion condensate - norm of an anomaly, Priroda, 7, 3-11, 2013. (in Russian).  

E. G. Drukarev and M. Ya. Amusia Final state interactions in the high energy photoionization of endohedral atoms, Pis'ma v ZhETP, 98, 8, 529, 2013  

M. Ya. Amusia and V. R. Shaginyan, Fermion Condensate as a New State of Matter, Contrib. Plasma Phys. 53, No. X, 1 - 10 (2013) / DOI 10.1002/ctpp.201310045  

M. Ya.Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva,V. G. Yarzhemsky. On Photoionization in the Hard X-Ray Region. Pis'ma v ZhETP. Т. 97, 12, 807-810, 2013.  

V. K. Dolmatov, M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva. Electron elastic scattering off a semifilled-shell atom: The Mn atom. Phys .Rev. A88, 4, 042706, 2013.


M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva. On the strong influence of inner shell resonances upon the outer shell photoionization of endohedral atoms, Pis'ma v ZhETP, 95, 2, 80-83, 2012; JETP Letters, 95, No 2, 74-77, 2012  

M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva and E. Z. Liverts. Generalized oscillator strength of endohedral molecules, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry,International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 112, 18, 3119-3130, 2012.  

M. Ya. Amusia, E. G. Drukarev and E. Z. Liverts. Back-to-back emission of the electrons in double photoionization of helium, Pis'ma v ZhETP, 96, 1, 72-76, 2012; JETP Letters, 96, No 1, 70-74, 2012.  

M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva and E. Z. Liverts Angular distributions of secondary electrons in fast particle-atom scattering, Phys. Rev. A, 85, 042722 -1-12, 2012.


M. Ya. Amusia, V. R. Shaginyan, G. S. Japaridze, A. Z. Msezane and K. G. Popov. Baryon Asymmetry resulting from a quantum phase transition in the early universe , Europhysics Letters, 94, 69001, 2011.  

M. Ya. Amusia, A. S. Baltenkov. Atomic Magneto-Dipole Photoionization, Pis'ma v ZhETF, 93, iss.12, 775-778; JETP Letters, 93, No. 12, pp. 693-696, 2011.  

M. Ya. Amusia, I. V. Abarenkov, E. B. Aleksandrov, V. V. Afrosimov, D. A. Varshalovich, L. N. Labzovskii, E. E. Nikitin, Yu. V. Novozhilov, V. I. Ochkur, I. B. Khriplovich, V. M. Shabaev Personalia: In memory of Yurii N Demkov.УФН РАН, Physics - Uspekhi 54, No 5, 541-542, 2011.  

M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva and E. Z. Liverts Non-dipole effects in angular distributions of secondary electrons in fast particle-atom scattering.""  

M. Ya. Amusia Atoms as many-body systems, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 321, 012049, 2011.  

M. Ya. Amusia, V. R. Shaginyan, J. W. Clark, A. Z. Msezane, K. G. Popov, M. V. Zverev, and V. A. Khodel Comment on Zeeman-Driven Lifshitz Transition: A Model for the Experimentally Observed Fermi-Surface Reconstruction in YbRh2Si2 (A. Hackl and M. Vojta, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 137002 (2011), Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 279701, Comments, 2011.  

M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva and V. K. Dolmatov Confinement and correlation effects in the Xe@C60 generalized oscillator strengths,  HYPERLINK "" ¶on line§, Phys. Rev. A, 84, 063201-1-6, 2011.


M. Ya. Amusia, V.R. Shaginyan and K.G. Popov. Behavior of the anti-ferromagnetic phase transition near the fermion condensation quantum phase transition in YbRh2Si2, Physics Letters, A 374 659-664, 2010.  

M. Ya. Amusia, V. R. Shaginyan and K. G. Popov. Fermion condensation: a strange idea successfully explaining behavior of numerous objects in Nature, Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 55, No 1, 65-78, 2010  

M. Ya. Amusia. Simple and Onion-type Fullerenes shells as resonators and amplifiers, Fullerene, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures, 18, 4-6, 353 - 368, 2010, "" .  

M. Ya. Amusia, V. G. Yarzhemsky, P. Bolognesi, L. Avaldi. A study of the Ne 2s2p5(3P)3s and 3p correlation satellites up to 75 eV above threshold, J. Phys. B:. At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43, 185304, 2010.  

M. Ya. Amusia, V. R. Shaginyan, G. S. Japaridze, and A. Z. Msezane. Baryon Asymmetry of Universe as Manifestation of Quantum Phase Transition, in: The Proceedings of Neural, Parallel & Scientific Computations, 4, Eds. G. S. Ladde, N. G. Medhin, Chuang Peng and M. Sambandham (Dynamic Publishers, Inc. U.S.A.) pp. 343-349, 2010.


M. Ya. Amusia, A. S. Baltenkov and L. V. Chernysheva. Distortion and preservation of giant resonances in endohedral atoms A@C60. JETP Lett., v.89, 6, p. 275-279,2009.  
M. Richter, M. Ya. Amusia,S. V. Bobashev, T. Feigl; P.N. Juranic, M. Martins, A.A. Sorokin, K. Tiedtke. Extreme ultraviolet laser excites atomic giant resonance. Phys. Rev. Lett., v.102, 16, ArtNo: #163002, 2009.  
M. Ya. Amusia. Effect of electron exchange on atomic ionization in a strong electric field. Jetp Lett., v.90, 3, p. 161-165, 2009.  
M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva, E.Z. Liverts. Photoionization of onion-type atoms. Jetp Lett., v.90, 5, p. 350-354, 2009.  
M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva. Endohedral resonances: influence of fullerene shell on atomic photoionization. Applied Physics, v.5 p. 21-30, 2009 (in Russian).  
M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva, E.Z. Liverts. Photoionization of two-shell endohedral atoms. Phys. Rev. A, v.80, 3, ArtNo: #032503, 2009.  
M. Ya. Amusia, A. S. Baltenkov. Non-physical consequences of the muffin-tin-type intra-molecular potential. Cent. Eur. J. Phys. P. 1-8, 2009.  
M. Ya. Amusia. Big consequences of small changes (non-locality and non-linearity of Hartree-Fock equations). Contrib. Plasma Phys., v.49, 7-8, Sp. Iss. SI, p. 517-528, 2009.  


M. Ya. Amusia, A. S. Baltenkov and L. V. Chernysheva. Photoionization of 3d electrons of Xe, Cs and Ba endohedral atoms: comparative analyses Central European Journal of Physics, 6, 1, 14-25, 2008.  
M. Ya. Amusia, A. S. Baltenkov and L. V. Chernysheva. Giant Resonances of Endohedral atoms. JETP Letters, 87, 4, 230-233, 2008.  
M. Ya. Amusia, A. S. Baltenkov and L. V. Chernysheva. On the photoionization of the outer electrons in noble gas endohedral atoms. JETP (Zh. Exp. Teor. Fyz.), 107, No. 2, pp. 180-189, 2008.  
M. Ya. Amusia, A. S. Baltenkov and L. V. Chernysheva. Photoionization of subvalent electrons in noble gas endohedrals: interference of three resonances . J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41 165201, 2008.  
M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva. On the angular distribution and spin polarization of the photoelectrons from semi-filled shell atoms ArXiv  
M. Ya. Amusia, A. S. Baltenkov and L. V. Chernysheva. Distortion and preservation of Giant resonances in Endohedral Atoms A@C60 ArXiv  
M. Ya. Amusia, A. S. Baltenkov and L. V. Chernysheva. Destruction and Resurrection of Atomic Giant resonances in Endohedral Atoms A@C60 ArXiv  


M.Ya. Amusia, L.V. Chernysheva, Z. Felfli, and A. Z. Msezane. Octupole contributions to the GOSes of discrete dipole transitions in noble gases (with ), Phys. Rev. A 75,062703, 2007. ArXiv  
M.Ya. Amusia, L.V. Chernysheva. On the angular distribution and spin polarization of the photoelectrons from semi-filled shell atoms, 2007 ArXiv  
M.Ya. Amusia, A.S. Baltenkov, L.V. Chernysheva. Photoionization of Xe 3d electrons in molecule Xe@C[sub 60]: Interplay of intradoublet and confinement resonances, Phys. Rev. A. Vol. 75, No. 4, 043201,2007 , ArXiv1 ArXiv  
M.Ya. Amusia, V. R. Shaginyan and K. G. Popov. Универсальное поведение сильно коррелированных ферми-систем.УФН, 177(6), 585-618; Physics - Uspekhi, 50(6), 1-34, 2007.  
M.Ya. Amusia, B. A. Zon and I. Yu. Kretinin. Polarization Internal Bremsstrahlung. ZhETF, 132 (2) 287; JETP, 105 (2), 343, 2007  
M.Ya. Amusia. Fast Electron scattering as a tool to study target's structure, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 159, 81-90, 2007.  
M.Ya. Amusia. Photoionization and vacancy decay of endohedral atoms, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 161, 112-120, 2007.  


M. Ya. Amusia. Many-Body Theory of Atomic Structure and Processes, in: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Handbook, Second edition, Ed. G. Drake, Springer, Chapter 23, 2006  
M. Ya. Amusia, A. S. Baltenkov, L. V. Chernysheva, Z. Felfli, and A. Z. Msezane. Modification of the Xe 4d Giant Resonance by the C60 Shell in Molecular Xe@C60, JETP, 102, 1, pp. 53-60, 2006  
M. Ya. Amusia, E. Liverz, R. Krivec, and V. B. Mandelzweig. Calculation of He photo-ionization with de-excitation cross-sections, JETP, 129, 3, 1-6, 2006  
M. Ya. Amusia, V. R. Shaginyan, A. Z. Msezane, and K. G. Popov. Universal cause of High-Tc Superconductivity and Anomalous Behaviour of Heavy Fermion Metals, in: Progress in Superconductivity Research, "Nova Science Publishers, Inc." publisher, in press, 2006, ArXiv  
M. Ya. Amusia, V. K. Ivanov, N. A.Cherepkov, L. V. Chernysheva. The Processes in Many-electron Atoms. 'Nauka", S. Petersburg., 2006, 325 pp.  
H. Farrokhpour, M. Alagia, L. Avaldi, H. Farrokhpour, M. Alagia, M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva, M. Coreno, M. de Simone, R. Richter, and S. Stranges. Observation of the spin-orbit activated interchannel coupling in the 3d photoionization of caesium atoms, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39 765-771, 2006  
M. Ya. Amusia, A. S. Baltenkov. Effect of plasma oscillations of C60 collectivised electrons on photoionization of endohedral noble-gas atoms, Phys. Rev. A, 74, 1, 2006  
M. Ya. Amusia. "Atomic" Bremsstrahlung": retrospectives, current status and perspectives, review, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, in press, 2006  
M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva, Z. Felfli, and A. Z. Msezane. Generalized Oscillator Strengths for the 3d Electrons of Xe, Cs and Ba: Effects of Spin-Orbit Activated Interchannel Coupling, Phys. Rev. A, 73, 062716, 2006  
M. Ya. Amusia, A.S. Baltenkov. Vacancy Decay In Endohedral Atoms, Phys. Rev. A, 74, 1, 2006, ArXiv  


M. Ya. Amusia, E. Liverts, E. G. Drukarev, R. Krivec and V. B. Mandelzweig Shape variation of the two-electron photoionization spectrum with the photon energy growth, Phys. Rev. A 71, 012715, 2005  
M. Ya. Amusia, E. G. Drukarev, R. Krivec, E. Liverts, V. B. Mandelzweig, and A. I. Mikhailov Two-electron processes in electron-photon interactions, Few-Body Problems in Physics, Melville, New York, AIP Conference, 768, 311-7, 2005  
M. Ya. Amusia, N. A. Cherepkov, L. V. Chernysheva, Z. Felfli, and A. Z. Msezane, On the non- dipole effects in spin polarization of the photoelectrons from 3d electrons of Xe, Cs and Ba J. Phys. B, At. Mol. Opt. Phys, 38, 1133-1141, 2005  
M. Ya. Amusia, A. S. Baltenkov, L. V. Chernysheva, Z. Felfli, and A. Z. Msezane. Dramatic distortion of 4d Giant resonance by the Fullerenes C60 shell, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys, 38, L169-73, 2005  
V. R. Shaginyan, M. Ya. Amusia, and A. Z. Msezane. Quasi-particles and Order Parameters Near Quantum Phase Transition in Heavy Fermion Metals, Phys. Lett., Ђ338, 393-401, 2005  
M. Ya. Amusia. Atomic Bremsstrahlung: Retrospectives, current status and perspectives, Proceedings of Workshop "MPERP-04"- Many-Particle Effects in Radiation physics, 7-10 September, Belgorod, Russia, 2005, published in: Vestnik of Voronezh University, ser. Physics, Mathem., 1, 106-127, 2005  
M. Ya. Amusia, E.G. Drukarev and V. B. Mandelzweig. Quasi-free mechanism in ionization processes, Physica Scripta (CAMOP), 72, C22-29, 2005  
M. Ya. Amusia, A. S. Baltenkov, L. V. Chernysheva, Z. Felfli, and A. Z. Msezane. Near-threshold behavior of angular anisotropy parameters in negative ions photo-detachment, Phys. Rev. A 72, 032727(7), 2005  


M.Ya. Amusia, V. R. Shaginyan and A. Z. Msezane. Two types of the Effective Mass Divergence and the Gruneisen Ratio in Heavy Fermion Metals, Phys. Lett. A, 320, 459, 2004. 
M.Ya. Amusia. Random phase approximation: from Giant to Intra-doublet resonances, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 70, 237-251, 2004.  
M.Ya. Amusia, R. Krivec and V. B. Mandelzweig. Two-electron photoionization of He and Helium-like ions, FEW BODY 17, Eds. W. Glockle and W. Tornow, Elsevier B. V., 2004, pp S301-304  
M.Ya. Amusia, A. S. Baltenkov, L. V. Chernysheva, Z. Felfli, S. T. Manson, and A. Z. Msezane. Intra - doublet correlation effect in dipole angular anisotropy parameters of 3d electrons, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 37, 937-944, 2004. 
M.Ya. Amusia, E. G. Drukarev, R. Krivec and V. B. Mandelzweig High Energy. Two-electron Photoabsorbtion as a three-body problem, Few Body Systems 35, 3, 2004. 
M.Ya. Amusia, A. S. Baltenkov, V. K. Dolmatov, S. T. Manson, and A. Z. Msezane. Confinement Resonances in Photoelectron Angular distributions from Endohedral atoms. Phys. Rev. A 70, 023201-1-5, 2004. 
M.Ya. Amusia, V. R. Shaginyan and A. Z. Msezane. New approach to Density Functional Theory in Nuclear and Atomic Cluster Physics, in: Proceedings of International Symposium "Atomic Cluster Collisions", 2004. 
M.Ya. Amusia, A. Z. Msezane, V. R. Shaginyan and D. Sokolovsky. On the relation between Hartree-Fock and Kohn-Sham approaches, Phys. Lett. A, 330, 10-15, 2004.  
M.Ya. Amusia, N.A. Cherepkov, L. V. Chernysheva, Z. Felfli, and A. Z. Msezane. On spin polarization of photoelectrons from Xe, Cs, and Ba 3d spin-orbit components, Phys. Rev. A, 062709-1-8, 2004. 


M. Ya. Amusia, E. G Drukarev, R. Krivec and V. B. Mandelzweig. Ultra-relativistic Limit for the Two-electron Photoionization Cross section , Phys. Rev. A 66(5), 052706-1-5, 2003. 
M. Ya. Amusia, R. Krivec and V. B. Mandelzweig. Two-electron Photoionization Cross Sections at High Energies, Few-Body Systems Supplementum 14, pp. 147-152, 2003. 
M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva, Z.Felfli, and A. Z. Msezane. Determination of Discrete Transitions Multipolarity using the Generalized Oscillator Strength, Phys. Rev. A 67, 022703-1-8, 2003. 
V. Radojevich, D. Davidovich, and M. Ya. Amusia. Near-threshold photoionization of the Xe 3d spin-orbit doublet: relativistic, relaxation, and intershell interaction effects, Phys. Rev. A 67, 22719-1-6, 2003. 
M. Ya. Amusia, E. G. Drukarev, R. Krivec and V. B. Mandelzweig. High Energy Limit of the Two-Electron Photoionization Processes in the Helium-Like Systems , in:X-02, X- ray and inner shell processes, 19th international conference on X-ray and inner shell processes, Ed. A. Bianconi, A. Marcelli, N. L. Saini, Melville, New York, AIP Conference Proceedings, 652, pp. 123-130, 2003.  
M. Ya. Amusia, V.R. Shaginyan. Description of Dynamic Properties of Finite Multi-Electron Systems in Density Functional Theory. Physica Scripta, TXX, 1-8, CAMOP, 994, 2003. 
M. Ya. Amusia, V.R. Shaginyan. Magnetic Field-induced Landau Fermi-liquid in high Tc metals Phys. Lett. A 315, 288-292, 2003. 
M. Ya. Amusia, N. A. Cherepkov and L. V. Chernysheva. Elastic scattering of Slow Positrons on Atoms, JETP, 124, 1(7), pp. 39-47, 2003.  
M. Ya. Amusia, A. S. Baltenkov, L. V. Chernysheva, Z. Felfli, S. T. Manson, and A. Z. Msezane Correlation Structure in Nondipole ` photoionization, Phys. Rev. A, 67(6), 60702-1-4, 2003. 
M. Ya. Amusia, A. Z. Msezane and V. R. Shaginyan. From Bose-Einstein to Fermion Condensation, Yadernaya Fizika (in Russian), 66, 10, 1850-1867; Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 66, 10, 1802-1819, 2003.  
E. P. Kanter, B. Krassig, S. H. Southworth, R. Guillemin, O. Hemmers, D. W. Lindle, R. Wehlitz, M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva, and N. L. S. Martin E1 - E2 Interference in the VUV photoionization of He, Phys. Rev. A, 68(1), 12714-1-10, 2003.  
M. Ya. Amusia, E. G. Drukarev On the Energy distribution of Electrons in Double-ionization of Helium-like ions in X-ray scattering , J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 36, 2433-2443, 2003.  
O. Hemmers, R. Guillemin, E. P. Kanter, B. Krassig, D. W. Lindle, S. H. Southworth, R. Wehlitz, J. Baker, A. Hudson, M. Lotrakul, D. Rolles, W. C. Stolte, I. C. Tran, A. Wolska, S. W. Yu, M. Ya. Amusia, K. T. Cheng, L. V. Chernysheva, W. R. Johnson, and S. T. Manson Dramatic Nondipole effects in low energy photoionization: experimental and theoretical study of Xe5s, Phys. Rev. Lett., 91(5), 053002/1-4, 2003. 
M. Ya. Amusia, R. Krivec and V. B. Mandelzweig. The high-frequency two-electron photoionization cross-sections of triplet states, Phys. Rev. A, 67(6), 62720-7, 2003.  
V. Radojevic, D. M. Davidovic, M. Ya. Amusia. Near-Threshold Photoionization of the Ba 3d Spin-orbit Doublet - some new theoretical results, Balcan Physics Conference Proceedings, pp. 161 - 166, 2003. 
M. Ya. Amusia, V. R. Shaginyan and A. Z. Msezane. Density Functional Theory versus the Hartree-Fock Method: comparative assessment , Physica Scripta, 68,C133-140 (CAMOP), 2003.  


M. Ya. Amusia, V. R. Shaginyan, and A. Z. Msezane, Trapped Atomic Fermi Gases. Phys. Lett. A, 293, 3-4, 205-210,2002. 
M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva, V. K. Ivanov, and S. T. Manson, Photoionization Cross section of Iodine ions I+ and I++. Phys. Rev A 65, 3032714/1-4, 2002. 
M. Ya. Amusia, A. Z. Msezane, Z. Felfli, L. V. Chernysheva, and Z. Chen, Reinterpretation of the recently measured absolute generalized oscillator strength for the Ar 3p-4p transition. Phys. Rev. A 65, 054701, 2002. 
M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva, Z. Felfli, A. Z. Msezane, Cross sections of discrete-level excitation of noble-gas atoms in Compton scattering. Phys. Rev. A 65, 062705, 2002. 
M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva, S. T. Manson, A. Z. Msezane and V. Radoevich, Strong Electron Correlations in Photoionization of Spin-orbit Doublets. Phys. Rev. Lett., 88, 9, 093002/1-4, 2002. 
M. Ya. Amusia, V. R. Shaginyan. Relationship between the Superconducting Gap, Pseudogap and Transition Temperature in High-Tc Superconductors. Phys. Lett. A 298, 193-198, 2002. 
M. Ya. Amusia, R. Krivec and V. B. Mandelzweig High frequency Limits of the Two-electron Photoionization Cross Sections. Surface Review and Letters, 9, 5&6, 2002. 
M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva, Z. Felfli and A. Z. Msezane. Compton Scattering upon Heavy Atoms with Account of Many-Electron Correlations Surface Review and Letters, 9, 5&6, 2002. 
M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva, V. G. Yarzhemsky and V. I. Nefedov. The Shapes of Photoelectron Satellite Spectra. Surface Review and Letters, vol.9, N 1&2 (TH030), 2002. 
M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva. New Collective Effects in Atomic Photoionization. In: Photoionization in atoms, Kyoto University Press,p.106-111, 2002. 
M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva and V. G. Yarzhemsky. Lineshape of Ne 1s photoionization satellite [1s2s](3S)3s and its valence Auger decay Spectrum.Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 127(3), 153-9, 2002.  
M. Ya. Amusia, V.R.Shaginyan. Possible universal cause of High-Tc superconductivity in different metals. Pis'ma v ZhETP (JETP Lett.),76 (11), 774-8, 2002 [76(11), 651-5, 2002].  
M. Ya. Amusia, A.S.Baltenkov, Z.Felfli, A.Z.Msezane,and A.B.Voitkiv. Uniform electromagnetic field as viscous medium for moving particle. Phys.Rev.A vol.66, 063416-1/6, 2002  


M. Ya. Amusia and V. R. Shaginyan. On the compatibility of Causality and Symmetry (Comment on " Analysis of causality in time -dependant density functional theory"). Phys. Rev. A, 63, 056501, 2001. 
M. Ya. Amusia, A. I. Mikhailov and I. A. Mikhailov. On Compton Ionization with Excitation. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 34, 5, 749-53, 2001. 
M. Ya. Amusia, A. S. Baltenkov, L. V. Chernysheva, Z. Felfli and A. Z. Msezane. Non-dipole parameters in Angular Distributions of Electrons in Photoionization of Noble Gas Atoms. Phys. Rev. A, 63, 052506, 2001. 
M. Ya. Amusia, V. R. Shaginyan. Fermi Condensate Quantum Phase Transitions in High Temperature Superconductors. Pis'ma v ZhETF (JETP Letters), 73, 268-273, 2001. 
M. Ya. Amusia, A. S. Baltenkov, L. V. Chernysheva, Z. Felfli, A. Z. Msezane, and J. Nordgren. Directed Motion of Electrons in Gases under the Action of Photon Flux. Phys.Rev. A, 63, 052512, 2001. 
M. Ya. Amusia, V. R. Shaginyan. Quasiparticle Picture of High Temperature Superconductivity in the frame of Fermi-liquid with the Fermion Condensate. Phys. Rev. B., 63, 224507, 2001. 
M. Ya. Amusia, R. Krivec and V. B. Mandelzweig. The Nuclear Charge Dependence of the Two-electron High-frequency Photo ionization Cross section. Phys. Rev. A, 63, 052708, 2001. 
M. Ya. Amusia, R. Krivec and V. B. Mandelzweig. Calculation of the contribution of the Quasi-Free mechanism to the Two-electron Photoionization Cross section. Phys. Rev. A64,012713, 2001. 
M. Ya. Amusia, Yu. V. Kornyushin.On the Frequencies of Collective Electron Oscillations in Nanotubes. Contemporary Physics, 42, 3, 159-165, 2001. 
M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva, Z. Felfli and A. Z. Msezane. Many-Electron Correlation Effects in the Generalized Oscillator Strengths of Noble Gas Atoms. Phys. Rev. A, 64, 032711,2001. 
M. Ya. Amusia, A. S. Baltenkov, L. V. Chernysheva, Z. Felfli and A. Z. Msezane.Collective Behavior in Photoionization of Outer Atomic Subshells of Noble Gas Atoms Spectroscopic Challenges of Photoionized Plasmas. ASP Conference Series, 247, p. 133-136, 2001 
M. Ya. Amusia. Many-Electron Correlations in Photon and Electron Interaction with Atomic Particles, in 20th SPIG, The Physics of Ionized Gases, Ed. N. Konjevich, Z. L. Petrovich and G. Malovich. Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 2001, 19-40. 
M. Ya. Amusia, S. A. Artamonov and V. R. Shaginyan.Theory of High-Tc Superconductivity based on the Fermion condensation Phase Transition. Pis'ma v ZhETF (JETP Lett.) 74, 396-400 (2001) 
M. Ya. Amusia, V. A. Kilin, D. A. Lazarev, Dm. A. Lazarev, V. M. Zelichenko, K -H. Schartner, A. Ehresmann, and H. Schmoranzer. Test of a q-Fractional V(N-q) Hartree-Fock Potential for Calculation of Double photo ionization cross sections of Neon. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys, 34, 3993-4001, 2001. 
M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva, V. K. Ivanov and S. T. Manson. Photoionization of 4 electrons in I+ and I++ , Phys. Rev.A, 65, 3, 032714/1-4, 2001. 
M. Ya. Amusia, R. Krivec and V. B. Mandelzweig. Are there Locally Precise Three-body Wave functions? Bled 2001 Workshop, Bled, Slovenia, Bled Workshops in Physics, 2, 1, 45-49, 2001. July 2001. 


M. Ya. Amusia, A.S. Baltenkov. Photon Momentum Transfer in Atomic Processes. In: Nuclear Matter: Hot and Cold, ed. J. Alster and D. Ashery, Tel Aviv University, pp. 225-232, 2000. 
M. Ya. Amusia, N. A. Cherepkov, L. V. Chernysheva and S. T. Manson. Multielectron Effects in Xe++ formation resulting from the Photoionization of Xe+ ions J. of Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 33, 1, L37-42, 2000. 
M. Ya. Amusia, J.-P. Connerade. Collective motion probed by Light . Rep. Prog. Phys., 63, 1, p. 41- 70, 2000. 
M. Ya. Amusia, N. A. Cherepkov, L. V. Chernysheva and S.T. Manson. On the Photoionization of the Iodine Atom and its Ions. Phys. Rev. A, 61, R207-11, 2000. 
M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva, N. A. Cherepkov and V. K. Ivanov. The Theory of Many-electron Effects in Atomic Processes. A. F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St. Petersburg, p. 1-10, 2000 (in Russian). 
M. Ya. Amusia, V. R. Shaginyan. Calculations of Single Particle spectra in Density Functional Theory. Phys. Lett. A, 269, 5-6, 337-342, 2000. 
M. Ya. Amusia, A. S. Baltenkov and U. Becker. Strong Oscillations in the Photoionization of 5s-electrons in the Endohedral Atom Xe@C60 . Phys. Rev. A 6201: (1) 2701, 2000. 
M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva and V. K. Ivanov. On the Photoabsorbtion of Atomic Eu, Eu+ and Eu++ in the vicinity of 4d Threshold. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 59, 2, 137-144, 2000. 
M. Ya. Amusia, Yu. V. Kornyushin. Application of the Nuclear Liquid Drop Model to Atomic and Molecular Physics Problems Contemporary Physics, 41, 4, 219-229, 2000. 
M. Ya. Amusia, Yu. V. Kornyushin. Application of the Nuclear Liquid Drop Model to a Negative Hydrogen Ion in the Strong Electric Field of a Laser European Journal of Physics, 21, 369-375, 2000. 
M. Ya. Amusia, V. R. Shaginyan. Neutron Matter with a Model Interaction. The European Physical Journal, A 8, 1, 77-80, 2000. 
M. Ya. Amusia, L. V. Chernysheva, N. A. Cherepkov and V. K. Ivanov. Theory of Many-electron Effects in Atomic Processes . A. F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St. Petersburg, p. 1-92, 2000 (review, in Russian). 
M. Ya. Amusia, V. R. Shaginyan. Quasiparticle Dispersion and Lineshape in a strongly Correlated Liquid with the Fermion Condensate. Phys. Lett. A, 275, 1-2, 123-129, 2000. 
M. Ya. Amusia, R. Krivec and V. B. Mandelzweig. High-Energy Limit of the Double-electron Photoionization Cross section of the Helium Atom. Phys. Rev. A, 62, 6, 064701/1-4 2000. 
M. Ya. Amusia, N. B. Avdonina, E. G. Drukarev, S. T. Manson, and R. H. Pratt. Modification of the High Energy Behavior of the Atomic Photoionization Cross Section . Phys. Rev. Lett., 85, 22, 4703-6 , 2000. 
M. Ya. Amusia, V. A. Kilin, D. A. Lazarev, Dm. A. Lazarev, K.-H. Schartner, Ehresmann, and H. Schmoranzer. State selective Single- photon Double-ionization of Ne indicating Singlet-triplet mixing of Doubly exited States. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 33, 22, 4989-5005, 2000. 
M. Ya. Amusia, Electron correlations in the High Frequency Photo-Atomic Processes, Physics Essays, 13, 2-3, p. 444-452, 2000.