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Sector of Solid State Theory
Division of Solid State Electronics
Group of Atomic Theory and Computation
The group has been organized by M.Ya. Amusia in 1967.
The aim was to investigate the possible role of many-electron correlations
in atoms. Initially the group was a part of the nuclear physics sector
headed by Prof. L.A. Sliv. In 1968 it included four researchers - M.Ya. Amusia,
N.A. Cherepkov, S.I. Sheftel and L.V. Chernysheva (at that time
at the Computer Center of USSR Academy of Sciences). From the very
beginning the group concentrated on investigation of photoionization and
electron inelastic scattering. The research was performed in close
collaboration with experimentalists from PTI N.V. Fedorenko (PTI Deputy
Director at that time), V.V. Afrosimov (now RAS Corresponding Member),
Yu.S. Gordeev (now head of a Laboratory), and from Leningrad State
University, Prof. T.M. Zimkina.
In 1970 N.A. Cherepkov defended
the first Candidate dissertation (PhD) in atomic physics in the group. The first
Doctor of Science dissertation (DSc) was defended by M.Ya. Amusia
in 1972. Closely affiliated with the group was V.N. Efimov, the first PhD
student of M.Ya. Amusia. Efimov is now a world acknowledged expert in
three-body problem.
Since that time the number of published
papers, the scope of research was increasing rapidly so was the number of
group members (mainly by including people employed not by PTI). The
cooperation both inside and outside the former Soviet Union (e.g. with
Yugoslavia) was rapidly developing. Starting from 1971 the group had its
own weekly seminar.
During this time there were defended the
following Candidate (PhD) and Doctor of Science (DSc) dissertations
(Candidate dissertation advisor was M.Ya. Amusia):
1970 (PhD) -
N.A. Cherepkov (1983 - DSc), passed away in 2017,
1972 (DSc) -
M.Ya. Amusia, passed away in 2021,
1974 (DSc) -
V.N. Efimov (discovered "The Efimov's effect", now Professor
at the Washington State University, USA),
(PhD) - V.K. Ivanov (1988 -DSc, now Dean of
Physical Mechanical faculty of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University,
Chair of General Physics) ,
1974 (PhD) -
S.I. Sheftel (now school-teacher in Israel),
1974 (PhD) -
S.G. Shapiro (now in business),
1975 (PhD) -
N.B. Avdonina (now Associate Professor at
Fairbanks University and Pittsburgh University, USA),
1975 ( ) -
A. Tanchich (now Head of the Theory Department, Vincha
Institute, Belgrade, Serbian Republic),
1975 (PhD) -
I. Pavlin (now in USA),
1977 (PhD) -
V.A. Kharchenko (1988 -DSc, now at the Institute of Theor.
Atomic and Mol. Physics, Harvard University, USA),
1977 (PhD) -
I.S. Lee (1988- DSc, now in business),
1978 (PhD) -
A.S. Baltenkov (1989 - DSc, now Professor at the U.A.
Arifov Institute of Electronics, Uzbekistan),
1978 (PhD) -
S.A. Sheinerman (1995 -DSc, now Professor at the St.
Petersburg Maritime University),
1983 (PhD) -
M.Yu. Kuchiev (now Professor at the Sydney
University, Australia),
1984 (PhD) - V.L. Yakhontov (now visiting scientist in Switzerland),
1985 (PhD) -
V.K. Dolmatov (now Professor of the North Alabama University, USA),
1985 (PhD) -
V.A. Kilin (2004 - DSc, now Professor, Director of the Center of Overseas Branch
Campuses, Tomsk Polytechnic University) ,
1986 (PhD) -
A.S. Kheifets (now Professor at the
Australian National University, Australia),
1986 (PhD) -
A.N. Kolesnikova (Kharlova, now Associate
Professor of the Tomsk Polytechnic University),
1988 (Dr.Sc.) -
L.V. Chernysheva (now Leading scientist of the Ioffe PTI)
1988 (PhD) -
A.V. Solov'ev (1999 - DSc,now leading scientist at
the Ioffe PTI of RAS, Professor of the Institute of Advanced Studies,
Frankfurt, Germany)
1988 (PhD) -
A.V. Korol' (now Associate Professor at the St. Petersburg
Maritime University),
1989 (PhD) -
V.A. Sosnivker (now in Israel),
1989 (PhD) -
V.A. Kupchenko (now at the St. Petersburg Politechnic
1993 (PhD) -
M.L. Shmatov (now Senior scientist at the Ioffe PTI
of RAS)
N.A. Cherepkov (from 1983) and V.K. Ivanov (from
1988) started to organize their own groups. Since then they have their own
PhD students, many of which defended their own dissertations. They
continued to be members of the common seminar, which took place twice a
week from 1983. The group seminar existed till the end of 1992.
Starting from 1993 it became theoretical atomic physics group
seminar. The group of Atomic Theory and Computation actively
participated in organization of meetings, on which most important was the
International Workshop on photoionization organized in 1990 in Leningrad.
This workshop is followed by a series of similar meetings - every
second-third year. M.Ya. Amusia. N.A. Cherepkov, V.K. Ivanov were
elected members of International Scientific Commeties and Advisory boards,
M.Ya. Amusia and N.A. Cherepkov received Humbold Price in 1991 and 1994,
M. Ya. Amusia became Argonne National Laboratory Fellow in 1992
and Joint Institute of Laboratory Astrophysics Fellow in 1993.
In 1995, the American Physical society (APS) elected him Fellow.
The same year Hebrew University
in Jerusalem elected him Lady Davies fellow.
From 1998, he became professor of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem,
keeping his position as Principal scientist at the Ioffe PTI.
The same year the Center for Theoretical Studies
of Physical Systems at the Clark Atlanta University, USA,
elected M. Ya. Amusia Distinguish Associate Member.
His biography was included in some Who's Who editions.
In 2000, Ioffe PTI and SPb State Politechnical University
have nominated the research of M. Ya. Amusia, V. K. Ivanov, N. A. Cherepkov
and L. V. Chernysheva "Theory of multielectron effects in atomic processes"
for the 2001 State Prize.
In 2002, the Russian Academy of Naturalsciences elected M.Ya.Amusia Academician,
in 2004 awarded P. L. Kapitsa medal,
and in 2018 awarded N.N. Semenov medal,
M. Ya. Amusia and L. V. Chernysheva received
in 2001 B. P. Konstantinov's Prizes and Medals of PTI,
in 2013 Ya. I. Frenkel's Prizes and Medals of PTI,
in 2017 A. F. Ioffe Prize “For outstanding work in physics
Russian Academy of Sciences with the citation:"Theory of resonance phenomena in the
processes of photon, electron and positron interacton with atoms, fullerenes and
From 2010 M. Ya. Amusia became Foreign Friend of APS.
In 1991 V. K. Dolmatov, APS elected fellow from 2010,
and in 1994 A. V. Korol' became Humboldt fellows,
while A. V. Solov'yov became Humboldt fellow twice, the first time in 1991.
Members of the group participated in a number of collaborations and many times received research grants.
Most important among them are:
ISTC (International Science and Technology Center) - a broad international collaboration aimed to help transforming nuclear military research in the former USSR into a peaceful one, supported our project twice. It was in 1995 – 97, members of the team were Amusia and Chernysheva, “Atomic and radiation processes in plasmas, gases and solids” and in 2001 – 2003, local manager Amusia and Chernysheva as member of the team, “Atomic and radiation processes in plasmas, gases and solids”.
RFBR (Russian Fund for Basic Research) gave us several grants for publication of books 05-02-30021-D (2005-2006), “The theory of many-electron effects in atomic processes” (M. Ya. Amusia, V. K. Ivanov, project leader, L. V. Chernysheva, and N. A. Cherepkov ”, 08-02-07027-D (2008-2010), “Photon absorption, electron scattering, vacancies decay” (M. Ya. Amusia, project leader, L. V. Chernysheva, and V. G. Yarzhemsky), 16-12-00041-D (2016-2017) “System ATOM-M. Algorithms and programs for investigation of atomic and molecular processes” (M. Ya. Amusia, project leader, L. V. Chernysheva, and C. K. Semenov).
RFBR-MSTI (Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology)-à 11-02-92484 (2011-2012)
“Strong effects in two-electron photoionization of endohedral atoms” (M. Ya. Amusia, project leader, and L. V. Chernysheva).
The total number of papers published on atomic physics by the above-mentioned scientists goes well above 800.
Altogether they form an extremely high estimated by the physics community contribution to
the field.
N.A. Cherepkov was Candidate (PhD) Dissertation
Advisor of:
1988 - V.F. Orlov,
1989 - V.V. Kuznetsov,
1989 - A.Yu. Elizarov
(now at Ioffe Institute).
V.K. Ivanov was
Candidate (PhD) Dissertation Advisor of:
1987 - G.F. Gribakin (now Professor of Belfast University, UK),
1992 - B.V. Gul'tsev,
1994 - A.N. Ipatov (now
at ),
1998 -
G.Yu. Kashenok.
Head of the group, Principal scientist, Professor of
physics Miron Amusia