27th ISSW is continuing with the guidelines of the previous Symposia:
- Blast Waves
- Chemically Reacting Flows - Detonation and Combustion - Dense Gases - Diagnostics - Facilities
- Flow Visualisation - Hypersonic Flow - Impact and Compaction - Ignition - Magnetohydrodynamics
- Medical / Biological and Industrial Applications - Multiphase Flow
- Nozzle Flow - Numerical Methods - Plasmas - Propulsion - Shock Waves in Rarefied Flows
- Richtmyer-Meshkov - Shock / Boundary Layer Interaction - Shock Propagation, Reflection - Shock Vortex Interaction
Tentative Program of the Symposium:
Work Program of the Symposium can be downloaded in PDF format in short form - from here, or in extended form - from here
In that file you can recognize your presentation by its reference number. If you don't remember it, please enter your personal page at our online system and click [MY ABSTRACTS] button.
ISSW-27 Special Event: Visit to the proving grounds, Wed. 22 July