Other years:
Year 2010
[jump to the next years]
- January 26,
Tuesday, 12:00
I.N. Chugunov
(Ioffe Institute)
Gamma-spectroscopic diagnostics
of high-temperature ITER plasmas
- February 2, Tuesday, 12:00
A.A. Danilenko
Pulsars in the infrared.
Vela and Geminga
- February 9,
Tuesday, 12:00
M.M. Glazov
(Ioffe Institute)
The effect of electron entrainment in graphene
- February 16,
Tuesday, 12:00
S.A. Gurevich
(Ioffe Institute)
Fuel cells and hydrogen energetics
- March 2,
Tuesday, 12:00
S.T. Surzhikov, A.V. Stolyarov
(Institute for Problems in Mechanics,
Chemical Faculty of MSU)
Nonequilibrium shock waves radiation
in aerophysical problems
- March 9,
Tuesday, 12:00
D.A. Zyuzin
Observations of pulsar nebulae
- March 16, Tuesday, 12:00
A.V. Nesternok, V.O. Naidenov
Radiocarbon in polar ice: problems of
generation and conservation
A.V. Karpova
Planetary nebula NGC 6543 (Cat's Eye)
- March 23, Tuesday, 12:00
D.G. Yakovlev
Neutron star mass measurements. Recent results
- March 25, Thursday, 12:00
A.F. Zakharov
(ITEP, Moscow)
The role of dark matter and dark energy
in cosmological models: Theoretical overview
- March 30, Tuesday, 12:00
A.I. Chugunov1,
C.J. Horowitz2
(1DTA, Ioffe Institute;
2Dept. of Physics,
Indiana U.
Breaking strain of neutron star crust
- April 6, Tuesday, 12:00
M.E. Gusakov,
E.M. Kantor
Approximate method for description of
non-radial pulsations of superfluid neutron stars
- April 13, Tuesday, 12:00
A.A. Mushtukov, D.I. Nagirner
Astronomical Institute of
St.Petersburg State University)
Relativistic kinetic equations for Compton scattering
of polarized radiation on electrons in strong magnetic field
- April 20, Tuesday, 12:00
N.V. Voshchinnikov
Astronomical Institute of
St.Petersburg State University)
What do interstellar dust grains consist of? From interstellar abundances to grain composition:
the major dust constituents Mg, Si and Fe
- April 27, Tuesday, 12:00
S.G. Karshenboim
(Dept. of Precision Physics and Metrology
of Simple Quantum Systems,
Division of Laser Spectroscopy, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics)
Laboratory searches for variation of fundamental constants with time
- May 11, Tuesday, 12:00
V.N. Gartmanov, V.A. Dranevich
(Ioffe Institute)
New results in studies of time relations
in gamma ray bursts. Delay times
- May 13, Thursday, 12:00
A.V. Ivanchik1,
D.A. Varshalovich1,
S.A. Balashev1,
P. Petitjean2
(1Ioffe Institute;
Molecular clouds HD/H2 in the early Universe.
The problem of primordial deuterium
- May 18, Tuesday, 12:00
A.M. Bykov,
J.A. Kropotina
Heating and relaxation of heavy ions in
collisionless shock waves
- May 25, Tuesday, 12:00
A.D. Kaminker,
A.I. Ryabinkov,
A.A. Kaurov
Periodical components in the distribution of luminous red galaxies
- May 27, Thursday, 12:00
D.O. Chernyshov
Formation of non-thermal spectra in astrophysical objects (PhD Thesis report)
- June 1, Tuesday, 12:00
D.B. Sobyanin
Filling of neutron star magnetospheres with electron-positron plasma (PhD Thesis report)
- June 8, Tuesday, 14:00
A.A. Raikov1, V.V. Orlov2, O.B. Beketov2
(1Pulkovo Observatory,
2St. Petersburg State University)
Inhomogeneities in the spatial
distribution of gamma-ray bursts [PDF abstract in Russian (23 K)]
- June 15, Tuesday, 12:00
S.A. Levshakov
Searching for chameleon-like scalar fields
- June 22, Tuesday, 12:00
D.G. Yakovlev1,
W.C.G. Ho2,
P.S. Shternin1,
C.O. Heinke3,
A.Y. Potekhin1
(1Ioffe Institute;
2U. of Southampton;
3U. of Alberta)
Cooling rates of neutron stars and the young neutron star in the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant
- June 29, Tuesday, 12:00
Vl.V. Kocharovsky, V.V. Kocharovsky, V.Ju. Martyanov
(Institute of Applied Physics, Nizhny Novgorod)
Filling of neutron star magnetospheres with electron-positron plasma
- July 6, Tuesday, 12:00
G.D. Fleishman
(Ioffe Institute)
A few essays on radiation and acceleration of particles
- July 8, Thursday, 12:00
A.V. Artemyev
(Space Research Institute, Moscow)
Dynamics of plasmas and energetic particles in current sheets (PhD Thesis report)
- July 22, Thursday, 11:00
Ramesh Narayan
(Harvard CfA, USA)
Measuring Black Hole Spin
Christine Jones
The Growth of Clusters through Mergers
Bill Forman
Outburst in Galaxies, Groups and Clusters
- October 5, Tuesday, 12:00
A.Y. Potekhin
Cyclotron harmonics in opacities of isolated neutron star
- October 12, Tuesday, 12:00
N.S. Ivanova
(U. of Alberta, Canada)
Formation of low-mass X-ray binaries with a black hole accretor:
challenging the paradigm
- October 19, Tuesday, 12:00
G.G. Pavlov
(PennState, USA)
Central Compact Objects in Supernova Remnants
- October 26, Tuesday, 12:00
S.A. Gurevich
(Ioffe Institute)
Solar energetics
- November 2, Tuesday, 12:00
A.Y. Potekhin1,
G. Massacrier2,
G. Chabrier2
(1Ioffe Institute;
ENS-Lyon, France)
Equation of state for
partially ionized carbon and oxygen mixtures at high temperatures
- November 9, Tuesday, 12:00
D.A. Baiko
Shear modulus of a neutron-star
- November 16, Tuesday, 12:00
V.R. Shaginyan
Second wind of the Dulong-Petit Law at a quantum critical point
- November 23, Tuesday, 12:00
E.M. Kantor
Dynamical phenomena in superfluid
neutron stars (PhD Thesis report)
- November 30, Tuesday, 12:00
A.I. Chugunov,
M.E. Gusakov
Oscillations of superfluid neutron stars
- December 14, Tuesday, 12:00
D.P. Barsukov,
O.A. Goglichidze,
A.I. Tsygan
Connection of the initial
distribution of angles between
magnetic moments and rotation axes of radio pulsars
to observations
- December
29, Wednesday, 11:00 (non-standard day, time, and place!)
Next years:
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Page design and maintenance by Alexander Potekhin.
Remarks are always welcome.
Page last updated on 09.01.19.