Archive: years
Year 2008
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- January 15, Tuesday, 12:00
E.M. Kantor,
M.E. Gusakov
Bulk viscosity of superfluid hyperon stars
- January 22, Tuesday, 12:00
M.B. Trzhaskovskaya1,
V.K. Nikulin2,
R.E.H. Clark3
(1Department of Theoretical Physics,
2Division of Plasma Physics, Atomic Physics and Astrophysics,
Ioffe Institute;
3Nuclear Data Section,
The impact of multipole and relativistic effects
on photoionization and radiative recombination cross-sections
in hot plasmas
- January 29, Tuesday, 12:00
M.P. Petrov
(Ioffe Institute)
Casimir force and light pressure
- February 5, Tuesday, 12:00
Yu.V. Vandakurov, E.M. Sklyarova
(Ioffe Institite)
Theoretical problems of outermost upper solar layers
- February 12, Tuesday, 12:00
W.C.G. Ho1, A.Y. Potekhin2,
G. Chabrier3
(1Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA;
Ioffe Institute, Russia;
ENS-Lyon, France)
Model X-ray spectra of magnetic neutron stars with hydrogen
- February 19, Tuesday, 12:00
A.M. Bykov1,
A.M. Krassilchtchikov1,
Yu.A. Uvarov1,
H. Bloemen2,
F. Bocchino3,
G.M. Dubner4,
E.B. Giacani4,
G.G. Pavlov5
Ioffe Institute, Russia;
2SRON, Netherlands;
3INAF, Italy;
4IAFE, Argentina;
5Astron. & Astrophys., PennState, USA)
Isolated X-ray - infrared sources in the region of interaction
of the supernova remnant IC 443 with a molecular cloud
- March 4, Tuesday, 12:00
M.G. Kozlov
(Neutron Research Department,
Using microwave quasar spectra for studying variation of
fundamental constants
- March 11, Tuesday, 12:00
P.S. Shternin,
D.G. Yakovlev
The effect of transverse plasmon exchange on
the shear viscosity in neutron stars
- March 18, Tuesday, 12:00
- S.A. Balashev
Peculiarities of radiative transfer in H2 molecular clouds
- A.V. Nesterenok
H2O maser emission in the nucleus of NGC 4258
- March 25, Tuesday, 12:00
D.P. Barsukov,
P.I. Polyakova,
A.I. Tsygan
Evolution of the angle between the
magnetic moment and the rotation axis
of a radio pulsar
- April 1, Tuesday, 12:00
D.G. Yakovlev
Landau and neutron stars
- April 8, Tuesday, 12:00
V.R. Shaginyan
(Theory Division, PNPI)
Universal behavior of two-dimensional 3He at low temperatures
- April 15, Tuesday, 12:00
V.M. Shabaev
Quantum Electrodynamics of heavy ions and atoms
- April 22, Tuesday, 12:00
A.D. Kaminker1,
A.Y. Potekhin1,
D.G. Yakovlev1,
G. Chabrier2
Ioffe Institute, Russia;
ENS-Lyon, France)
Heating and cooling of magnetars with accreted envelopes
- April 29, Tuesday, 12:00
- P.S. Shternin
The exchange of transverse plasmons
and the electric conductivity of neutron star cores
- P.S. Shternin,
D.G. Yakovlev
Landau damping
and SN 1987A
- May 13, Tuesday, 12:00
E.M. Kantor1,
M.E. Gusakov1,
P. Haensel2
(2CAMK, Poland)
The entrainment matrix of superfluid nucleon-hyperon mixture
- May 23, Friday, 12:00
F.B. Paerels
(Columbia University, USA)
Photospheric X-ray spectroscopy of neutron stars, and prospects for measuring the mass-radius relationship
- May 27, Tuesday, 12:00
A.N. Poddubny
Resonant photonic quasicrystals
- June 3, Tuesday, 12:00
N.N. Rosanov
(S.I.Vavilov State Optical Institute)
Dissipative optical solitons
- June 10, Tuesday, 12:00
P.S. Shternin
Landau damping and kinetics of neutron stars (PhD thesis report)
- June 17, Tuesday, 12:00
A.I. Frank
The effect of accelerating medium in neutron optics
- July 16, Wednesday, 12:00
H.J.J. Blom
(Springer New York, USA)
Academic publishing in the next few years: A commercial publisher's
- September 9, Tuesday, 12:00
E.E. Kholupenko
Cosmological recombination and associated radiation (PhD thesis report)
- September 16, Tuesday, 12:00
G.D. Fleishman
of Solid State Electronics,
Ioffe Inst.)
- Turbulence diagnostics with radio spike clusters
- Towards theory of synchrotron fluctuations
- September 23, Tuesday, 12:00
A.I. Ryabinkov
Space-time distribution of absorption systems in quasar spectra (PhD thesis report)
- September 30, Tuesday, 12:00
E.M. Kantor,
M.E. Gusakov
Sound modes in superfluid nucleon-hyperon mixture
- October 7, Tuesday, 12:00
S.A. Levshakov,
P. Molaro, M.G. Kozlov
On spatial variations of the electron-to-proton mass ratio in the Milky Way
- October 14, Tuesday, 12:00
- A.Y. Potekhin1, G. Chabrier2
Ioffe Institute, Russia;
ENS-Lyon, France)
Equation of state of fully ionized non-ideal electron-ion
plasmas: analytical approximations
- A.Y. Potekhin1, G. Chabrier2, F.J. Rogers3
Ioffe Institute, Russia;
ENS-Lyon, France;
Equation of state
of classical binary Coulomb plasmas
- October 21, Tuesday, 12:00
- A.I. Chugunov1, H.E. DeWitt2
Ioffe Institute, Russia;
Coulomb screening in nuclear reactions II. Binary ion mixtures
- A.I. Chugunov
Selected technicalities in creating presentations
- November 5, Wednesday, 12:00
A.V. Kuznetsov, N.V. Mikheev, A.A. Okrugin
(Physical Faculty,
Yaroslavl State University)
Dirac neutrino magnetic moment and the shock wave revival in a supernova
- November 11, Tuesday, 12:00
A.A. Danilenko1,
Yu.A. Shibanov1,
V.N. Komarova2,
A.V. Moiseev2
Ioffe Institute;
Spectroscopy of Guitar
- November 18, Tuesday, 12:00
P.K. Abolmasov
Ultra-bright X-ray sources and their associated nebulae
- November 25, Tuesday, 12:00
A.S. Lukyanenko
(St.Petersburg State Polytecnical University)
Quantum principle of minimum action
- December 2, Tuesday, 12:00
M.M. Glazov
(Ioffe Inst.)
Dynamics of exciton-polaritons in quantum microcavities
- December 9, Tuesday, 12:00
V.N. Zirakashvili
Hydrodynamical and plasma effects on
galactic cosmic rays (Doctor Thesis report)
- December 16, Tuesday, 12:00
A.M. Bykov1,
Yu.A. Uvarov1,
D. Ellison2
Ioffe Institute;
2Physics Department, North Carolina State University)
Dots, clumps and filaments: the intermittent images of synchrotron
emission in random magnetic fields [arXiv:0811.2498]
- December 29, Monday, 11:00
Next years:
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Page design and maintenance by Alexander Potekhin.
Remarks are always welcome.
Page last updated on December 29, 2012.