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Tsatsulnikov Andrew Fedorovich |
1966, St. Petersburg (Leningrad), Russia.
Scientific degree:
Ph.D., 1992
“Structure and properties of deep acceptor centers, created by elements of copper subgroup in GaAs”
Current position:
Senior researcher
Work experience:
1992 - present time, Ioffe Institute.
2016 - present time, Submicron Heterostructures for Microelectronics, Research & Engineering Center, RAS.
1983 - 1989 – Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute (Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University ETU "LETI"), Ioffe Institute education department of Optoelectronics.
1989 - 1992 – Postgraduated course at Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute (Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University ETU "LETI"), Ioffe Institute education department.
Scientific awards:
2001 - Best Paper Award, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, USA. For the paper in Journal of Quantum Electronics, IEEE press (M.V. Maximov, N.N. Ledenstov, D. Bimberg, L.V. Asryan, Y.M. Shernyakov, A.F. Tsatsul'nikov, I.N. Kaiander, V.V. Nikolaev, A.R. Kovsh, S.S. Mikhrin, V.M. Ustinov, A.E. Zhukov, Z.I. Alferov, "Gain and threshold characteristics of long wavelength lasers based on InAs/GaAs quantum dots formed by activated alloy phase separation", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 37, № 5. P. 676-683. (2001), DOI: 10.1109/3.918581).
2008, Award of the Centre of Nanoheterostructures of Ioffe Institute for work “Role of the hydrogen in MOVPE process of group III nitrides”.
2009, Award of the Centre of Nanoheterostructures of Ioffe Institute for work “Light-emitting diodes based on gallium nitride, emitting in the visible range”.
2013, Ioffe Institute Award for work “Exciton optical lattices in the InGaN quantum wells”.
2018, Award of the Centre of Nanoheterostructures of Ioffe Institute for work “Light emitting diodes with monolithic active region based on III-N heterostructures”.
Membership in the scientific societies and editorial board of the journals:
Associated editor of “Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of materials” (Elsevier).
Program Committee member of EW MOVPE 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017.
Program Committee member of IC-MOVPE 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020.
Program Committee member of ISGN 2012, 2014, 2015.
Research interests:
Over 10 years of experience in the field of synthesis technology and investigations of the physical properties of the nanoheterostructures in InAs/GaAs, InSb/GaSb/, InGaAs/InP, InGaN/GaN material systems, grown by molecular beam epitaxy and metalorganic vapour-phase epitaxy (MOVPE) methods, dn semiconductor devices based on the heterostructures.
Experience in managing of 9 projects of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), projects of Ministry of Education and Science (Minobrnauka) of the Russian Federation, NEWLED grant (7th European Framework Program (FP7)), agreements with international (Samsung (South Korea), Osram (Germany), Corning (USA)) and Russian (JSC “Svetlana-Electronpribor”, JSC “Mikran” (Tomsk), JSC “RPC “Salyut", JSC "RPC "Istok" named after Shokin") companies.
Academic advising of Ph.D. students and Ph.D. theses:
Krizhanovskaya N.V. “Optical properties of the AlGaAsN heterostructures based on the GaAs”.
Sizov V.S. “Features of the InGaN/(In,Al)GaN active region formation for light-emitting diodes”.
Usov S.O. “Heterostructures for visible range light-emitting diodes and high electron mobility transistors based on quantum sized layers InGaN, InAlN and short-period superlattices InGaN/GaN”.
RU № 2504048 «Semiconductor electroluminescent emitter»;
RU № 102849 «Light-emitting crystal»;
RU № 119165 «Semiconductor light-emitting heterostructure (variants)»;
RU № 124441«Semiconductor electroluminescent emitter»;
RU № 2371806 «The method for producing nitride semiconductor and nitride semiconductor device of p-type»;
RU № 169283 «Heterostructure field-effect transistor based on InGaAlN/As»;
RU № 169284 «Heterostructure field effect transistor»;
RU № 2369942 «Light-emitting device based on nitride semiconductor»;
RU № 2426197 «Nitride semiconductor device»;
RU № 2673515 «Method to supply of carrying gases into the reactor in order to growth epitaxial structures based on metals of group III nitride and device for the implementation»;
Certificate of state registration of topology of integrated circuit № 2017630014 «Test crystal for controlling of the technology parameters during producing of microwave chips based on gallium nitride»;
Author and co-author of more, than 250 publications in leading Russian and international scientific journals and proceedings of the All-Russian and international conferences and symposia.
Including publications indexed by WoS 267 and Scopus 262.
h-index of WoS 32 (november 2018).
The publication list can be found at
http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-9150-2014 и