E-mail address: Vmust@beam.ioffe.ru.
Secretary: Komarova Natalia Olegovna
Phone: (812) 2974059
Fax: (812) 2978640
E-mail address: Nata.Komarova@mail.ioffe.ru
Ustinov Viktor Mikhailovich -
Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, Professor of Department of Optoelectronics, the head of Ioffe Institute education department of Optoelectronics in Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University ETU "LETI", director of the Submicron Heterostructures for Microelectronics, Research & Engineering Center, RAS, Chief researcher, head of the laboratory of Physics of semiconductor heterostructures of Ioffe Institute, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of Science and Technology.
Main research interests: Epitaxial growth technology by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and metalorganic vapour-phase epitaxy (MOVPE) methods and investigations of the physical properties of the heterostructures and semiconducting devices based on A3B5 and III-N compounds.
Ustinov Viktor Mikhailovich was born on 1 June 1958 in Leningrad. In 1981 he graduated with honors from the department of Electronic engineering of the Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute (Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University ETU "LETI"). In the same year V.M. Ustinov began his research work at Ioffe Institute, where he passed all further steps of the scientific career from junior to chief researcher. In 1986, he defended the Ph.D. thesis: “Electrical properties of GaAs, AlGaAs and two-dimensional electron gas heterostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy”. In 1999, V.M. Ustinov defended his doctoral thesis: "Semiconductor Quantum Dot Heterostructures (Fabrication, Properties, Lasers)". At the same time, he was teaching at the Department of Optoelectronics at the Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University ETU "LETI", SPbPU, SPbAU RAS. He was an academic advisor of 5 Ph.D. theses.
The scientific research work of V.M. Ustinov was repeatedly supported by Russian and international scientific foundations, including Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), Federal target programs, the research programs of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and others. Between 2004 and 2008, he had been served as deputy academic chairman of the St. Petersburg Research and Education Centre of Physics and Technology of RAS. In 2006 V.M. Ustinov was elected the Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
V.M. Ustinov has been working since 1981 on the scientific research in the field of epitaxial growth technology of the heterostructures and devices based on A3B5 and III-N compounds. Over these years, the following scientific results were achieved by V.M. Ustinov and the laboratory employees:
The synthesis technology of semiconductor heterostructures with quantum dots by the molecular beam epitaxy method has been developed and a number of physical effects unique for the objects with three-dimensional carrier quantization were found;
The scientific and technological foundations for the development of new-generation semiconductor injection lasers based on quantum dots were created;
The synthesis technology of the heterostructures based on group III nitrides by the metalorganic vapour-phase epitaxy method for high-brightness white light-emitting diodes were developed and pioneering results on the synthesis of high efficient green and phosphor–free monolithic white light-emitting diodes were obtained;
The technology for producing of the semiconductor heterostructures for low-noise and high-power microwave transistors, detectors, frequency multipliers and monolithic integrated circuits has been developed.
V.M. Ustinov is a member of the editorial boards of journals: "Technical Physics", "Scientific instrument engineering", "Proceedings of the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University".
V.M. Ustinov is a member of the Ioffe Institute Academic council, Saint Petersburg Academic University (SPbAU RAS) Academic council, presidium member of the Saint Petersburg scientific center RAS, member of expert commission of Department nanotechnologies and information technologies of RAS (DNIT RAS) in the field of the “Nanotechnologies”, member of scientific instrument engineering council of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FASO Russia), and the chairman of academic council of the Submicron Heterostructures for Microelectronics, Research & Engineering Center, RAS.
V.M. Ustinov is an author and co-author of more, than 900 publications in leading Russian and international scientific journals and proceedings of the All-Russian and international conferences and symposia, 1 monograph and 3 patents.
Including publications indexed by WoS 574 and Scopus 737.
h-index of WoS 15 (november 2018).
The publication list can be found at http://www.researcherid.com/rid/J-3545-2013.
Monograph: Ustinov V.M., Zhukov A.E., Egorov A.Yu., Maleev N.A., Quantum dot lasers, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2003. PP. 304. ISBN 0198526792.
RU 2205468, "The method of producing of the light-emitting structure based on quantum dots and light-emitting structure", V.M. Ustinov, A.E. Zhukov, N.A. Maleev, A.R. Kovsh, 09.07.2002.
RU 2257640, "The method of producing of the light-emitting structure based on quantum dots and light-emitting structure", V.M. Ustinov, A.Yu. Egorov, V.V. Mamutin, 28.04.2004.
RU 2611555, "Semiconductor vertical-emitting laser with with intracavity contacts", S.A. Blokhin, N.A. Maleev, A.G. Kuzmenkov, V.M. Ustinov, 17.12.2015.
Academic advising of Ph.D. students and PhD theses:
Mikhrin S.S., 2002, " Injection lasers with quantum dots, operating in continuous wave operation mode (growth by molecular beam epitaxy method and investigation of the properties)".
Tonkih A.A., 2005, "Semiconductor heterostructures with Ge/Si quantum dots for light-emitting devices based on silicon".
Semenova E.S., 2005, "Molecular beam epitaxy and optimization of the heterostructures Inx Aly Ga1-x-yAs/GaAs".
Nikitina E.V., 2006, "Injection lasers based on quantum wells and quantum dots on GaAs substrates, emitting at wavelength of 1.3 mkm".
Kuzmenkov A.G., 2008, "Semiconductor vertical-emitting lasers based on the self-assembling quantum-sized heterostructures in InGaAs-AlGaAs material system".
List of Russian and international science and technology awards of Ustinov V.M.:
1988 г., Laureate of the Leningrad Komsomol organization award for work "Development of the production technology by the molecular beam epitaxy method and investigation of the heterostructures with quantum-sized effects".
1988, Laureate of the A. F. Ioffe Physicotechnical Institute of Academy of Sciences of the USSR academic council award for work "Heterolaser based on the short-period superlattices".
2000, The main award of the “MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica” (Pleiades Publishing, Inc.) publishing.
2001, Best Paper Award, "Gain and threshold characteristics of long wavelength lasers based on InAs/GaAs quantum dots formed by acivated alloy phase separation", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics USA.
2001, State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of Science and Technology for the series of works “Fundamental studies of the formation and properties of heterostructures with quantum dots and the creation of lasers based on them”.
2005, Elsevier Science publishing award, "To honor his achievement as the most published STM author from Russian Federation between 2003 and 2005".
1996, Ioffe Institute Award for work “Above‐barrier exciton: the first magnetooptical investigation".
1999, A.F. Ioffe Award for work “Growth by self-assemble methods and investigations of the heterostructures with quantum dots”.
2001, Ioffe Institute Award for work “Dynamics of electron spin in self-assembled quantum dots”.
2002, Ioffe Institute Award for work “The effect of spectral quenching in the semiconductor structures with self-assembled quantum dots”
2003, Ioffe Institute Award for work “InGaAsN compounds: synthesis, properties and lasers emitting in near IR range based on them”.
2008, Ioffe Institute Award for work “Giant spin polarization of electrons in the semiconductor, caused by spin-dependent recombination”.
2017, Commendation for active participation in Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Council on science, significant contribution to the development of the scientific potential of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.