CommitteesInternational Advisory Committee T.
Braun | University of
Budapest, Hungary | M.
Dresselhaus | Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, USA | L.
Echegoyen | University of Miami, USA | P.
Eklund | The Pennsylvania State University, USA | D.
Guldi | University
of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany | M.
Heritier | University of Orsay, France | D.R.
Huffman | University of Arizona, USA | W.
Kraetschmer | Max-Plank Institute, Germany | H.
Kroto | University of Sussex, UK | H.
Kuzmany | University of Wien, Austria | H. Murayama
| Frontier Carbon Corporation,
Japan | E. Osawa | Nanocarbon
Research Institute Ltd., Japan | R.
Taylor | University of Sussex, UK | H.
Shinohara | Nagoya University, Japan | D.
Walton | University of Sussex, UK | F.
Wudl | University of California, USA |
Organizing Committee Vladislav V. Lemanov |
Chairman, loffe Physico-Technical Institute, Russia | Zh.l.
Alferov | loffe Physico-Technical Institute, Russia |
A.V. Kirillin | Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Russia |
V.A. Nazarenko | St Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute,
Russia | O.M. Nefedov | Department
of General and Technical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia |
V.M.Sukhov | Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian
Federation | G.F.Tereshchenko | St Petersburg Scientific
Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences | V.A. Zayats |
Department of General Physics of the Russian Academy of Science |
Program Committee Alexander Ya. Vul' | Chairman,
loffe Physico-Technical Institute, St Petersburg, Russia | V.K.
Adamchuk | State University, St Petersburg, Russia |
Yu.S. Grushko | St Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia |
G.A. Domrachev | Organometallic Chemistry Institute, Nizhny
Novgorod, Russia | S.V. Kozyrev | Center
for Advanced Studies of St Petersburg State Technical University, St Petersburg,
Russia | V.V. Kveder | Institute of Solid State Physics,
Moscow, Russia | V.V. Lemanov | loffe Physico-Technical
Institute, St Petersburg, Russia | Yu.A. Ossipyan | Institute
of Solid State Physics, Moscow, Russia | V.I. Sokolov | Institute
of Organoelement Compounds, Moscow, Russia | I.V. Stankevich | Institute
of Organoelement Compounds, Moscow, Russia |
Local Organizing Committee Sergey V.
Kidalov | Chairman, loffe Physico-Technical Institute, St Petersburg,
Russia |
I.V. Vorobyova | Secretary, loffe Physico-Technical Institute
| V.I. Siklitsky | loffe Physico-Technical Institute,
St Petersburg, Russia | | | |