of Contributions Authors are requested to submit a one-page abstract of their
contributions (about 2000 symbols including title, name(s) of author(s) and affiliation(s))
in Word for Windows file. If you do not have access to this particular word processing
program, or to a PC, please save your document as Rich Text Format (RTF). RTF is available
through the "Save As" option on most major word processing packages. [winword
file of typical abstract] The deadline for abstracts is March 1, 2005.
All abstracts have to be sent by e-mail:
[Winword file of typical abstract] File
should be called by the name of the principal author (for example, "Petrov.doc") The
name of the principal author who will present a paper at the Workshop - should be
underlined. All the abstracts will be reviewed and the criterion of rejection will
be a lack of originality. Accepted abstracts will be published in the program booklet
by the beginning of the Workshop. PublicationThe
Proceedings of the Workshop will be published as a special issue of the journal "Fullerene,
Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures" by Taylor & Francis in early 2006. The
Program Committee will review all papers, but those of invited speakers. A hard
copy of all presentations should be submitted during the Workshop. Deadline is July
1, 2005. The manuscripts (3 hard copies) should be typed with double-spacing and
font size - 12 pt (Times New Roman). The number of manuscript pages should be consecutive
throughout the paper. Each article should be summarized in an abstract of not more
than 100 words. Tables and Figures should not be embedded in the text, but should
be included as separate sheets. Along with the hard copies electronic version should
be submitted. Illustrations submitted (line drawings, halftones, photos, photomicrographs,
etc.) should be digital files or clean, high-quality originals. Highest quality reproduction
digital files are recommended and they should follow these guidelines: 300 dpi or
higher; sized to fit on journal page; *.EPS, *.TIFF format only. Word for Windows
files (*.doc in Word format) should not include Figures as well as color images. Detailed
instruction on preparation of manuscripts could be found at
The full length of the papers included figures: Invited - not more 15 pages Oral
- not more 8 pages Poster - 4 pages The Program Committee will review
all papers, but those of invited speakers. A hard copy of all presentations should
be submitted during the Workshop. Deadline is July 1, 2005
Organizers are pleased to welcome members of the world fullerene community to St Petersburg.