Scientific Program
Monday, June 27 |
| Chairman: A.Ya. Vul' | 900-
1800 | Registration | 930-1000 | Opening
| 1000-1045 | Masako
Yudasaka, NEC Corporation,
Japan Recent progress in growth and application of carbon nanotubes and nanohorns |
1045- 1130 | Yurii Lozovik, Institute
of Spectroscopy RAS, Troitsk, Russia Multi-wall nanotubes: properties and
nanoelectromechanical system (NEMS) applications |
1130- 1150 | Coffee
break | | Chairman: M. Yudasaka |
1150- 1235 | Noejung
Park, Department of Applied Physics, Dankook University, Korea First-principles
calculations for the carbon nanotubes in device applications | 1235-
1320 | Alexander
Okotrub, Nikolaev Institute
of Inorganic Chemistry SB RAS, Russia Synthesis and properties of nitrogen-doped
and aligned carbon nanotube films | 1300-
1500 | Lunch |
| Chairman: Yu. Lozovik | 1500-
1520 | A.V. Bazhenov, T. N. Fursova, I.O. Bashkin, I.V. Kondrat'eva,
A.V. Krestinin, Yu.M. Shul'ga Electronic and vibrational spectra of hydrogenated
carbon single-wall nanotubes | 1520- 1540 | K.R.
Izrael'yants, A.L. Musatov, A.V. Krestinin, A.V. Raevsky, N.A. Kiselev, A.B. Ormont,
V.V. Artemov, O.M. Zhigalina Field electron emission from layers with very long
and sparse carbon nanotubes | 1520-
1540 | B. Verberck, K.H. Michel, A.V. Nikolaev The C60
molecules in (C60)n@SWCNT peapods: crystal field, intermolecular
interactions and dynamics | | Chairmen: S.V.Kidalov,
V.N.Semkin | 1600- 1830 | Poster
Session 1 | 1900 | Welcome party |
Tuesday, June 28 |
| Chairman: S.V. Kozyrev | 930
- 1015 | Alan L. Balch,
University of California, USA Metals and Fullerenes, Structural Studies of
Endohedral and Exohedral Compounds | 1015 - 1100 | Yulii
Grushko, St Petersburg Nuclear
Physics Institute RAS, Russia Radioactive metallofulleres: preparation and
hot-atom chemistry aspects | 1100-
1120 | Coffee break |
| Chairman: N. Park | 1120-
1205 | Kazutomo
Suenaga, National Institute
of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan Peapods and endohedral
fullerenes | 1205 - 1250 | Eduard
Yagubskii, Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics
RAS, Russia New approaches to isolation of endometallofullerences and the
first trifluoromethylated derivatives of endometallofullerenes |
1300- 1500 | Lunch |
| Chairman: Yu. Grushko | 1500-
1520 | M. Tokumoto, Y. Sakakibara, A.G. Rozhin, H. Kataura, S. Matsuzaki,
K. Ishida, Y. Achiba Nonlinear optical property of carbon nanotubes and its application
as saturable absorber in the near IR | 1520- 1540 | E.
Bichoutskaia, N.C.Pyper, B.F.G. Johnson Fundamental modelling of encapsulated nanocrystalline
materials | 1540- 1600 | B.S.
Razbirin, E.F. Sheka, A.N. Starukhin, A.S. Korotkov, V.A. Afanas'ev Matrix-isolated
fulleropyrrolidine molecules. Optical spectra and quantum-chemical calculations |
1600- 1620 | Yu. Shulga, A.V. Talyzin, Yu.O.
Tsybin, A.A. Peera, T.M. Schaub, J.M. Purcell, A.G. Marshall, B. Sundqvist, P. Mauron,
A. Zuttel, W.E. Billups Fragmentation and collapse of C60 by reaction
with H2 gas at elevated temperature and pressure |
| | | Chairmen: S.V.Kidalov, V.N.Semkin |
1630- 1830 | Poster
Session 2 | Wednesday,
June 29 | | Chairman: A.V. Okotrub |
930 - 1015 | Jeremy
Sloan, Oxford
University, UK Opening, filling and the effects of crystallization inside
carbon nanotubes | 1015 - 1100 | Igor
Bashkin, Institute of Solid State Physics
RAS, Russia Hydrogen in nanocarbon systems under high pressure |
1100- 1120 | Coffee
break | | Chairman: A. Balch |
1120- 1205 | Fred
Wudl, University of California, USA C60 applications in light-emitting
diodes | 1205- 1250 | Serdar
Sariciftci, Linz Institute, Austria Optoelectronic Devices Based on Fullerenes |
1300- 1500 | Lunch |
| Chairman: R.N. Lyubovskaya |
1500- 1520 | V. Bashilov, F. Dolgushin, P. Petrovskii,
M. Sada, V. Sokolov New palladium h2-fullerene complexes with metallocenyl and
optically active ligands | 1520- 1540 | S.I.
Troyanov Synthesis and structure of chlorofullerenes |
1540- 1600 | D.V. Konarev, S.S. Khasanov, A.Yu.
Kovalevsky, G.Saito, R.N. Lyubovskaya, P. Coppens, A. Otsuka The formation of
s-bonded (Fullerene-)2 dimers and (CoIITPP·Fullerene-) anions in
ionic complexes of C60 and C70 | 1600-
1620 | P.A. Troshin, O.A. Androsova, A.S. Peregudov, A.N. Lapshin,
R.N. Lyubovskaya Synthesis of fullerene derivatives for material science and medicinal
applications | 1620-
1640 | Coffee break |
| Chairman: V.D. Blank | 1640-
1700 | V.V. Milyavskiy, A.V. Utkin, A.Z. Zhuk, V.V. Yakushev, V.E.
Fortov Shock-induced phase transitions of C60 fullerite: new results |
1700- 1720 | S. Rols, J. Cambedouzou, J.L.Sauvajol,
H. Schober, V.A Davydov , A.V. Rakhmanina, V. Agafonov Lattice dynamics of C60
in its dimer, 1D polymer and 2D polymer phases investigated by inelastic neutron scattering |
1720- 1740 | T.L. Makarova, O.E. Kvyatkovskii, I.B.
Zakharova, A.L. Shelankov Magnetic transition in the polymerized fullerene matrix |
1740- 1800 | K.V. Kashnikov, Yu.S. Gordeev,
V.V. Bryzgalov, V.M. Mikoushkin, V.V. Shnitov, D. Usachov, S.I. Fedoseenko, V.K. Adamchuk
Fabrication of a system of equal carbon nano-clusters by ion bombardment of fullerite
C60 film through a track filter | | |
Thursday, June 30 |
| Chairman: V.F. Razumov | 930
- 950 | M. Yamamoto, H. Aikyou, T. Shiroya Carbon nano-particles
made from PAN-based precursors | 950- 1010 | D.
Pontiroli, M. Ricco, T. Shiroka, M. Belli, G. Ruani, D. Palles, S.Margadonna, M. Tomaselli,
D. Arcon New polymeric phases in low-doped lithium intercalated fullerides |
1010- 1030 | X.W. Wei, Q.Q.
Zha, J. Sun, Y.C. Tang, C.C. Ji, X.M. Zhang, Z.M. Chen, Y.H. Ni, G. Yin, Z. Xu Synthesis
and Properties of [60]fullerene-based Nanocomposites | 1030-
1050 | M.V. Korobov, V.M. Senyavin, A.A. Popov, A.G. Bogachev, V.A.
Davydov, A.V.Rakhmanina, A.A. Markin Equilibrium phase diagram of polymerized
C60 and kinetics of decomposition of the polymerised phases |
1050- 1110 | Coffee
break | | Chairman: F. Wudl |
1110- 1130 | A.R. Sabirov, L.A. Chernozatonskii,
E.G. Gal'pern, S.V. Lisenkov, I.V. Stankevich New carbyne-C60 fullerene based
structures: stability and electronic characteristics | 1130-
1150 | Zheng Xu, Gui Yin, Feifei Tao, Yongye Liang, Hongjiang Liu,
Hongbian Li, Ling Qi Fabrication of fullerene-based nanostructures |
1150- 1210 | M. Sparta, V. R. Jensen, O. Loboda,
K. J. Borve DFT-based screening of structure and stability of substitutionally
doped metallofullerenes | 1210- 1230 | S.
Kanno, R. Raja, B.F. G. Johnson Selective catalyst reaction over Co carbonyl clusters
immobilized on nanotube | 1230- 1250 | R.J.
Papoular, H. Allouchi, A.V. Dzyabchenko , V.A. Davydov, A.V. Rakhmanina, O.V. Boltalina,
K.Seppelt, V. Agafonov X-ray high-resolution powder diffraction structure determination
of C60F48 | | | 1310-
1500 | Lunch |
| Chairman: M.V. Korobov | 1500-
1520 | J. Labille, J. Brant, F. Villieras, J. Rose, M. Wiesner,
J.-Y. Bottero Colloidal stability of fullerenes C60 in water Effect of ionic strength
and organic matter | 1520- 1540 | V.A.
Karachevtsev, A.Yu. Glamazda, U. Dettlaff-Weglikowska, V.S. Leontiev, P.V. Mateichenko,
V. A. Sorokin, G.O. Gladchenko, A. M. Rao Carbon nanotubes with DNA in aqueous
solution and film | 1540- 1600 | P.P.
Yakutseni, S.V. Kozyrev Fullerenes and biomolecules: hybrid structures for nanobionics
and pharmacology | 1600- 1630 | V.A.
Bykov, A.B. Shubin, A.V. Belyaev, V.V. Zhizhimontov NTEGRA - the new line of SPM-based
instrumentation | | |
| Chairmen: S.V.Kidalov, V.N.Semkin | 1630-
1830 | Poster Session 3 |
2030 | Workshop dinner |
Friday, July 1 | | Chairman: M.
Tokumoto | 930- 1015 | Toshiaki
Enoki, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan Electronic and magnetic properties
of nanographite | 1015 - 1100 | Haim
Levanon, Hebrew University, Israel Photoinduced electron spin polarization
in fullerene-based two- and three-spin systems | 1100-
1120 | Coffee break |
| Chairman: M.A. Khodorkovskii; |
1120 - 1205 | Maurizio
Prato, University of Trieste, Italy Organic Functionalization of Carbon
Nanotubes | 1205 - 1225 | D.V. Leshchev,
G.A. Lukyanov, Y. Khang, S.V. Kozyrev, A.N. Volkov, N.Yu. Bykov, O.I. Vakulova Modeling
of processes of clusters formation under pulsed laser ablation of carbon particles
in an aerosol | 1225 - 1245 | G.
Domrachev, L. Domratcheva, E. Domracheva, A. Zaitsev, L. Mikhalitsyn, G. Markin, A.Ob'edkov,
L. Leites, B. Kaverin, S. Bukalov The role of metal in self-organization of carbon
into graphite- or diamond-like nanotubes | 1245 - 1305 | O.B.
Danilov, I.M. Belousova, A.A. Mak, V.P. Belousov, A.S. Grenishin, V.M. Kiselev, A.V.
Krys'ko, T.D. Murav'eva, A.N. Ponomarev, E.N. Sosnov Fullerene-oxygen-iodine laser
(FOIL). Physical principles | 1305-
1500 | Lunch |
| Chairman: T.L. Makarova | 1500
- 1530 | T.V. Tropin, M.V. Avdeev, V.B. Priezzhev, J.W.P. Schmelzer,
V.L.Aksenov Kinetics of cluster growth in fullerene molecular solutions |
1530 - 1600 | A.P. Dementjev, A.V. Eletskii,
K.I. Maslakov, S.N. Blinov, D.A. Grishin, E.G. Rakov, V.F.Sukhoverhov, A.V. Naumkin
Fluorination of carbon nanostructures and their comparative investigation by FTIR,
XPS and XAES spectroscopy | 1600 -
1630 | V.Z. Mordkovich, D.N. Kharitonov, I.A. Maslov, A.A. Kamenev
Ni-Fe competition in the catalysis of carbon nanotube growth | 1620-
1640 | Coffee break |
| Panel Discussion: Fullerene Applications |
| Chairman: H. Murayama, A.Ya. Vul' | 1620-
1645 | H. Murayama (Frontier Carbon Corporation, Japan), M. Arikawa,
T. Takakura, S. Tomonoh Front line in production and application of fullerene |
1645- 1710 | K. Matsubayashi (Mitsubishi Corporation,
Japan), H. Takada, H. Mimura, L. Xiao, R.M. Islam, S. Ito, N. Miwa Innovative anti-oxidant
: Fullerenes(INCI #: 7587) is as "Radical Sponge®" on the skin. Its
high level of safety, stability and potential as premier anti-aging and whitening
cosmetic ingredient | 1710- 1735 | L.
Forro (Institute of Physics of Complex Matter, Switzerland) From carbon nanostructures
to biomaterials | 1735- 1800 | General
discussion | 1800- 1830 | Closing |
| | | | | |