The group of MOVPE epitaxy and investigations of the properties of nano-heterostructures based on group III nitrides
Head of the MOVPE epitaxy group:
Tsatsulnikov Andrey Fedorovich, Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Senior researcher.
Development of technology and equipment for III-N heterostructures MOVPE:
Lundin Wsevolod Vladimirovich, Ph.D., Senior researcher.
Zavarin Evgenii Evgenievich, Ph.D., Senior researcher.
Rodin Sergey Nikolaevich, Researcher.
Sinitsyn Mikhail Alekseevich,Ph.D., Senior researcher.
Investigations of the properties of heterostructures based on
group III nitrides:
Sakharov Alexey Valentinovich, Ph.D., Senior researcher.
Usov Sergei Olegovich, Ph.D., Juniour researcher.
Arteev Dmitry Sergeevich, Ph.D. student, Juniour researcher.
Post-growth processing of the structures based group III nitrides:
Lundina Elena Yulievna, Senior engineer.
Electrical and electronic systems maintenance:
Kurbatov Alexei Valentinovich, Engineer.